Library for collecting Broadcast Performance Metrics for AWS IVS Multitrack Streaming. Written in Rust, with support for C and C++ via a Foreign Function Interface (FFI). The user should send metrics in-band via SEI (for AVC/HEVC) or OBU (AV1) messages on all video tracks just prior to the IDR. This library maintains internal state within single process.
Integrate with encoding software such as FFmpeg or GStreamer. Call bpm_frame_encoded after successfully encoding a frame. Use bpm_frame_lagged and bpm_frame_dropped to track lagged and dropped frames, respectively. For keyframes, render and fetch metrics using bpm_render_ts_ptr, bpm_render_sm_ptr, and bpm_render_erm_ptr. Inject the returned data into SEI or OBU messages and free the memory with bpm_destroy.
cargo build --release
Build and run the C example
gcc -o build/example example.c -Ltarget/release/ -lbpm