This is an example PHP application called Coins that's part of an automated testing workshop.
In the root of the project you'll find a Makefile (run make help
to see all the commands).
It's based on Docker and Docker Compose, so you should download them and install them here:
Once you have Docker and Docker Compose installed you can build the containers:
make build
Install dependencies with Composer:
make dependencies
Run migration to build databases (for dev and test environments):
make migrations-dev
make migrations-test
To start the application run:
make start
You should now be able to make requests to the url http://localhost:8080
There's also a Postman ( collection in the root of the repository
that you can import to make requests to the app.
To run all the tests:
make test
To get the shell of the application (to run single tests or other stuff):
make shell