This kino allows you to render fully-styled Phoenix function and live components in Livebook.
def deps do
{:kino_live_component, ">= 0.0.0", only: :dev}
In order to use KinoLiveComponent, you must add an endpoint to your router.
import KinoLiveComponent.Plug, only: [allow_insecure_connection: 2]
if Mix.env() == :dev do
scope "/kino-live-component", KinoLiveComponent do
live("/", Live.Index)
If you use a non-standard asset pipeline or port number or your app.js
is bonkers, you might need to set config values or compile separate assets:
config :kino_live_component,
css_path: "http://localhost:9999/app.css", # default: http://localhost:4000/assets/app.css
endpoint: "http://localhost:9999/kino-live-component", # default http://localhost:4000/kino-live-component
js_path: "http://localhost:9999/app.js" # default http://localhost:4000/assets/app.js
Then, connect your Livebook to your running application.
import Phoenix.Component, only: [sigil_H: 2]
assigns = %{
content: "I am a function component being rendered in a Phoenix application."
<div class="p-3 bg-orange-500 text-white">
<%= @content %>
""" |> KinoLiveComponent.component()
defmodule MyLiveComponent do
use Phoenix.LiveComponent
def render(assigns) do
<div class="p-3 bg-blue-200 text-black">
<%= @content %>
assigns = %{
content: "I am a live component being rendered in a Phoenix application."
KinoLiveComponent.component(MyLiveComponent, assigns)
You can see KinoLiveComponent in action by cloning this repo and running the app:
%> git clone
%> cd kino_live_component
%> mix deps.get
%> iex --sname kino-live-component --cookie foobarbaz -S mix phx.server
Connect to Livebook, then in a Livebook cell:
Write a function or live component (examples above). It will be rendered with the default Tailwind being imported in this app.