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An R Package for Average Causal Effect Estimation via the Front-Door Functional


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An R Package for Causal Effect Estimation via the Front-Door Functional

This package is built for estimating the Average Causal Effect (ACE) under the Front-Door model [Pearl. 1995]. This package is an implementation of the proposed estimators by Guo et al. 2023, based on the theory of influence functions and targeted minimum loss based estimation (TMLE).

If you find this package useful, please cite:

  title={Targeted Machine Learning for Average Causal Effect Estimation Using the Front-Door Functional},
  author={Guo, Anna and Benkeser, David and Nabi, Razieh},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.10234},

A front-door model can be depicted in the following Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), where $A$ is the treatment variable, $M$ is the mediator variable(s), $Y$ is the outcome variable, $X$ is the measured confounder variable(s), and $U$ is the unmeasured confounder(s).

The front-door DAG with unmeasured confounders $U$ between $A$ and $Y$

For the ease of illustrations, we set the average counterfactual outcome under treatment level $A=a_0$, denoted by $E(Y^{a_0})$, as our target parameter of interest. We assume $A$ is binary, thus ACE can be easily constructed as $E(Y^1)-E(Y^0)$. Under the front-door model, our target parameter of interest, $E(Y^{a_0})$, can be identified via the following identification (ID) functional, where $P$ denotes the true observed data distribution:

$$\begin{align*} \psi(P) = \iint \sum_{a=0}^1 y \ p(y \mid m, a, x) \ p(a \mid x) \ p(m \mid A=a_0, x) \ p(x) \ dy \ dm\ dx \ . \quad \text{(target parameter)} \end{align*}$$

For a detailed discussion of our proposed estimators for the above estimand, we refer the readers to [Guo et al. 2023]. In what follows, we discuss the installation and the use of the main function in the package.

1. How to Use


To install the package from GitHub:

install.packages("remotes") # If you have not installed "remotes" package

The source code for fdtmle package is available on GitHub at fdtmle.


The fdtmle package offers a TMLE() function, providing both one-step estimates and TMLEs of the average causal effect. The package is designed to specialize in estimation when $A$ is a univariate binary variable and $Y$ is a univariate variable, which can be either continuous or binary. Additionally, $X$ and $M$ have the flexibility to be either univariate or multivariate, accommodating a wide range of variable types.

The package also comes with three default datasets called continuousY_continuousM, continuousY_continuousM_10dX, and boinaryY_bianryM, which we have used to illustrate the use of the TMLE() function throughout this brief tutotrial. For details of the underlying DGPs, see Section 4.

The TMLE() function can be called by specifying the treatment assignement(s) a, data, treatment, mediators, outcome, and covariates as follows:

cYcM <- TMLE(a=c(1,0), data=continuousY_continuousM,
             treatment="A", mediators="M", outcome="Y", covariates="X",
             onestep=T, linkA="identity") 

In the above call to the TMLE() function, we have:
a=c(1,0) specifies estimating ACE, contrasting treatment level $a=1$ versus $a=0$,
onestep=T specifies outputing one-step estimator alongside the TMLE estimator, and
linkA specifies using "identity" link for fitting the logistic regression of A on X.

The TMLE() function comes with multiple different arguments that primarily determine the way the nuisance functions are estimated. A brief discussion on nuisance estiamtions is provided in the following section.

2. Detailed Discussion on Implementation

The front-door ID functional encompasses four nuisance functionals: the outcome regression $E(Y\mid M,A,X)$, the propensity score $p(A\mid X)$, the mediator density $p(M\mid A,X)$, and the marginal distribution of measured confounder(s) $p(X)$. Let $Q$ denote the collection of the four nuisance functionals: $Q={E(Y\mid M,A,X),p(A\mid X),p(M\mid A,X),p(X)}$. The fdtmle package offers multiple ways for estimating the nuisance functionals, as discussed in the following.

2.1 Nuisance estimation

  • Regression: the default method for estimating $E(Y\mid M,A,X)$ and $\pi(A\mid X)$ is via linear or logistic regression. The mediator density $f_M(M\mid A,X)$ is estimated with logistic regression under univariate binary mediator. For other types of mediator(s), we defer discussion to the next subsection. When nuisance functionals are estimated via regression based methods, the package allows the user to specify the regression formula with arguments 'formulaY', 'formulaA', and 'formulaM' for outcome regression, propensity score, and mediator density respectively. For binary variables, the link function used in logistic regression can be specified via 'linkY_binary', 'linkA', and 'linkM_binary'. For example, we can have:
  bYbM <- TMLE(a=1,data=binaryY_binaryM,
               treatment="A", mediators="M", outcome="Y", covariates="X",
               formulaY="Y ~ .", formulaA="A ~ .", formulaM="M~.",
               linkY_binary="logit", linkA="identity", linkM_binary="logit")

where a=1 returns estimation results for $E(Y^1)$.

  • Super learner: use argument superlearner=T in the TMLE() function to estimate nuisance functionals with the SuperLearner package. The SuperLearner is an ensemble algorithm that combines estimates from various statistical and machine learning models, creating a more adaptable and robust estimation scheme. The default algorithms used for superlearner in the fdtmle package are c("SL.glm","","SL.ranger","SL.mean"). Users, however, can specify any algorithms incorporated in the SuperLearner package.

  • Cross-fitting with super learner: use the crossfit=T argument in the TMLE() function to estimate nuisance functionals using cross-fitting in conjuction with the use of a super learner. More specifically, data are partitioned into $K$ non-overlapping subsets of approximately equal size. For observations in each fold, prediction is made using super learner trained using observations excluding those in the current fold. Predictions for each fold is then combined to form the nuisance estimates for all observations. By adopting cross-fitting, the Donsker conditions are relaxed for achieving asympotical linearity of the estimators. The number of folds can be adjusted using the argument K with the default being set to $K=5$. As an example, the following code implements the ACE estimation using random forest combined with cross-fitting of $2$ folds.

cYcM <- TMLE(a=c(1,0), data=continuousY_continuousM_10dX,
             treatment="A", mediators="M", outcome="Y", covariates=paste0("X.",1:10), 
             onestep=T, crossfit=T, lib = c("SL.ranger"), K=2)

2.2 Estimation under different types of mediators

This package incorporates different estimation schemes tailored to various types of mediators. As mentioned above, $f_M(M\mid A,X)$ is estimated via logistic regression under a binary mediator $M$. Different estimation strategies would be needed to handle other types of mediators, due to the complexity of (conditional) density estimations. We offer four different options to deal with the complexity of mediator density estimation. The choice can be controlled by argument mediator.method.

  • mediator.method=np : This method corresponds to direct estimation and targeting of the mediator density. When np.dnorm=F, $f_M(M\mid A,X)$ is estimated using the nonparametric kernel method via the np package. When np.dnorm=T, $f_M(M\mid A,X)$ is estimated assuming normal distribution. The mean of the normal distribution is estimated via the regression of $M$ on $A$ and $X$, and the standard deviation of the normal distribution is estimated via the sample standard devation of the error term in the regression. Given the computational burden imposed by direct estimation of the mediator density, this np method is only applicable to univariate continuous mediator.

  • mediator.method=densratio : This method circumvents direct estimation of the mediator density by estimating its ratio $f_M(M\mid A=a_0,X)/f_M(M\mid A,X)$ instead, where $a_0$ is the treatment assignment of interest. For the density ratio estimation we use the densratio package.

  • mediator.method=bayes : This method estimates density ratio $f_M(M\mid A=a,X)/f_M(M\mid A,X)$ by reformulating it using the Bayes' rule as follows:

    $$\frac{f_M(M\mid A=a,X)}{f_M(M\mid A,X)} = \frac{p(a_0 \mid X, M)}{p(A \mid X, M)} \times \frac{\pi(A \mid X)}{\pi(a_0 \mid X)}.$$

    The density ratio is estimated via estimating $p(A \mid X, M)$ and $\pi(A\mid X)$. $p(A \mid X, M)$ can be estimated via super learner, cross-fitting in conjunction with super learner, or logistic regression. When using logistic regression, formula_bayes and link_bayes arguments in TMLE() allow users to specify the formula and link function used in the logistic regression.

  • mediator.method=dnorm : This method estimates density ratio, assuming that $M\mid A,X$ follows conditional normal distribution. The mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution are estimated using the same strategy as discussed in the mediator.method=np part. Estimates of the density ratio is then constructed as the ratio of the density estimates.

Summary: The np method allows estimation under univariate continuous mediator, while the densratio, bayes, dnorm methods work for both univariate and multivariate mediators. The mediators can be binary, continuous, or a mix. The np method involves direct estimation of the mediator density, and the targeting step of the TMLE would require iterative updates between the outcome regression, propensity score, and mediator density. Consequently, this method is computationally more intensive. The TMLE procedure under densratio, bayes, dnorm does not require iterative updates among the nuisance functionals. Therefore, those methods are more computationally efficient and are especially appealing in settings with multivariate mediators.

3. Output

The output of the TMLE() function depends on the mediator.method used. As an example, we use mediator.method=np to estimate the average counterfactual outcome $E(Y^1)$. The output is described as follows

# Set a=1 returns estimation results on E(Y)
cYcM <- TMLE(a=1, data=continuousY_continuousM,
             treatment="A", mediators="M", outcome="Y", covariates="X", 
             onestep=T, mediator.method="np")

## TMLE output ##
cYcM$TMLE$estimated_psi # point estimate of the target parameter E(Y^1).
cYcM$TMLE$ # lower bound of the 95% confidence interval for the E(Y^1) estimate.
cYcM$TMLE$ # upper bound of the 95% confidence interval for the E(Y^1) estimate.
cYcM$TMLE$p.M.aX # mediator density estimate at treatment level A=a.
cYcM$TMLE$p.M.AX # mediator density estimate at treatment level A=A.
cYcM$TMLE$p.a1.X_updated # propensity score estimate at treatment level A=1.
cYcM$TMLE$or_pred_updated # outcome regression estimate.
cYcM$TMLE$EIF # estimated efficient influence function evaluated at all observations. 
              #EIF can be used to construct confidence interval for E(Y^1).
cYcM$TMLE$EDstar # a vector composes of the sample average of the projection of EIF onto the tangent space corresponding to Y|M,A,X; M|A,X; and A|X.
                 # upon convergence of the algorithm, elements of this vector should be close to 0.
cYcM$TMLE$EDstar_M.vec # sample average of the projection of EIF onto tangent space of M|A,X over iterative updates of the nuisance functionals.
                       # the elements in this vector should converge to zero over iterations.
cYcM$TMLE$EDstar_ps.vec # sample average of the projection of EIF onto tangent space of A|X over iterative updates of the nuisance functionals.
                        # the elements in this vector should converge to zero over iterations.
cYcM$TMLE$eps2_vec # the indexing parameter for submodels for the mediator density over iterations.
                   # the elements in this vector should converge to zero over iterations.
cYcM$TMLE$eps3_vec # the indexing parameter for submodels for the propensity score over iterations.
                   # the elements in this vector should converge to zero over iterations.
cYcM$TMLE$iter # number of iterations upon convergence.

## One-step estimator output ##
cYcM$Onestep$estimated_psi # point estimate of the target parameter E(Y^1).
cYcM$Onestep$theta_x # estimate of theta(X) as defined in the Section~3
cYcM$Onestep$ # lower bound of the 95% confidence interval for the E(Y^1) estimate.
cYcM$Onestep$ # upper bound of the 95% confidence interval for the E(Y^1) estimate.
cYcM$Onestep$EIF # estimated efficient influence function evaluated at all observations. 
cYcM$Onestep$EDstar # a vector composes of the sample average of the projection of EIF onto the tangent space corresponding to Y|M,A,X; M|A,X; and A|X.

In the following, we use mediator.method=bayes to estimate ACE. The output is described as follows

cYcM <- TMLE(a=c(1,0), data=continuousY_continuousM_10dX,
             treatment="A", mediators="M", outcome="Y", covariates=paste0("X.",1:10), 
             onestep=T, mediator.method = "bayes")

## TMLE output ##
ACE <- cYcM$TMLE$ATE # point estimate of the target parameter ACE. <- cYcM$TMLE$ # lower bound of the 95% confidence interval for the ACE estimate. <- cYcM$TMLE$ # upper bound of the 95% confidence interval for the ACE estimate.
EIF <- cYcM$TMLE$EIF # estimated efficient influence function evaluated at all observations. 
                     #EIF can be used to construct confidence interval for E(Y^1).

E.Y1.obj <- cYcM$TMLE.Y1 # oject containing estimation results on E(Y^1).
E.Y1.obj$estimated_psi # point estimate of the target parameter E(Y^1).
E.Y1.obj$ # lower bound of the 95% confidence interval for the E(Y^1) estimate.
E.Y1.obj$ # upper bound of the 95% confidence interval for the E(Y^1) estimate.
E.Y1.obj$theta_x # estimate of theta(X) as defined in the Section~3
E.Y1.obj$M.AXratio # estimate of the mediator density ratio f_M(M|A=1,X)/f_M(M|A,X)
E.Y1.obj$p.a1.X # propensity score estimate at treatment level A=1.
E.Y1.obj$or_pred # outcome regression estimate.
E.Y1.obj$EIF # estimated efficient influence function evaluated at all observations. 
              #EIF can be used to construct confidence interval for E(Y^1).
E.Y1.obj$EDstar # estimated efficient influence function evaluated at all observations. 
              #EIF can be used to construct confidence interval for E(Y^1).

E.Y0.obj <- cYcM$TMLE.Y0 # oject containing estimation results on E(Y^0)
# similar story as E.Y1.obj#

## One-step estimator output ##
ACE <- cYcM$Onestep$ATE # point estimate of the target parameter ACE. <- cYcM$Onestep$ # lower bound of the 95% confidence interval for the ACE estimate. <- cYcM$Onestep$ # upper bound of the 95% confidence interval for the ACE estimate.
EIF <- cYcM$Onestep$EIF # estimated efficient influence function evaluated at all observations. 
              #EIF can be used to construct confidence interval for E(Y^1).

E.Y1.obj <- cYcM$Onestep.Y1
# similar story as E.Y1.obj for TMLE #

E.Y0.obj <- cYcM$Onestep.Y0
# similar story as E.Y1.obj for TMLE #

Outputs under mediator methods densratio, dnorm are the same as above.

4 Illustrative DGPs

Here, we briefly look at the continuousY_continuousM dataset.

'data.frame':	500 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ X: num  0.467 0.338 0.686 0.755 0.137 ...
 $ U: num  3.0707 2.0449 2.521 3.591 0.0665 ...
 $ A: int  1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 ...
 $ M: num  2.095 0.527 2.569 4.022 3.189 ...
 $ Y: num  6.22 3.19 5.47 9.45 2.82 ...

This dataset is generated with the following DGP


## generate continuous outcome Y, continuous mediator M, single measured covariate X====
generate_data <- function(n,parA = c(0.3,0.2), parU=c(1,1,1,0), parM = c(1,1,1,0), parY = c(1, 1, 1, 0), sd.M=1, sd.U=1, sd.Y=1){

  X <- runif(n, 0, 1) # p(X)

  A <- rbinom(n, 1, (parA[1] + parA[2]*X)) # p(A|X)

  U <- parU[1] + parU[2]*A + parU[3]*X + parU[4]*A*X + rnorm(n,0,sd.U) # p(U|A,X)

  M <- parM[1] + parM[2]*A + parM[3]*X + parM[4]*A*X + rnorm(n,0,sd.M) # p(M|A,X)

  Y <- parY[1]*U + parY[2]*M + parY[3]*X + parY[4]*M*X + rnorm(n, 0, sd.Y) # p(Y|U,M,X)

  data <- data.frame(X=X, U=U, A=A, M=M, Y=Y)

  # propensity score
  ps <- A*(parA[1] + parA[2]*X)+(1-A)*(1-(parA[1] + parA[2]*X))

  # mediator density ratio: p(M|a,X)/p(M|A,X)
  m.ratio.a1 <- dnorm(M,parM[1] + parM[2]*1 + parM[3]*X + parM[4]*1*X,sd.M)/dnorm(M,parM[1] + parM[2]*A + parM[3]*X + parM[4]*A*X,sd.M)
  m.ratio.a0 <- dnorm(M,parM[1] + parM[2]*0 + parM[3]*X + parM[4]*0*X,sd.M)/dnorm(M,parM[1] + parM[2]*A + parM[3]*X + parM[4]*A*X,sd.M)

  return(list(data = data,

continuousY_continuousM <- generate_data(500)$data


  • [Guo et al. 2023] Guo, A., Benkeser, D., & Nabi, R. Targeted Machine Learning for Average Causal Effect Estimation Using the Front-Door Functional. arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.10234, 2023.
  • [Pearl. 1995] Pearl, J. Causal diagrams for empirical research. Biometrika, 1995.
  • [Fulcher et al. 2019] Fulcher I R, Shpitser I, Marealle S, & Tchetgen Tchetgen, E. Robust inference on population indirect causal effects: the generalized front door criterion. Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology, 2020.
  • [Van der Laan et al. 2011] Van der Laan M J, Rose S. Targeted learning: causal inference for observational and experimental data. New York: Springer, 2011.


An R Package for Average Causal Effect Estimation via the Front-Door Functional








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