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Your Reinforcement Learning Ally.

A framework based on tensorflow, RAY and gym to handle reinforcement learning tasks.

General Remarks

This framework was originally build for the block course "Deep Reinforcement Learning" at the University of Osnabrück. In the block course students are asked to implement standard (deep) RL algorithms with the help of the framework. Sample solutions will be published onec the course is done.

This framework is still under construction and can yet be optimized. If you run into errors or see ways to make something more efficient, please feel free to raise an issue or contact me dircetly (Charlie Lange, and help make this framework better for everyon!

General Design

-> insert graphic

Sample Mnager

The sample manager manages collecting experience using remote runners. Therfore it has to be initialized with the specifications for the environment and the model used, how the agent should behave and what data needs to be collected.


Using the sample manager, a buffer can be initialized in which the data the sample manager collects via its remote runners can be stored and from which the user can sample data.


Using the sample manager, an evaluation aggregator can be initialized where the training progress from the main process can be stored. This aggregator already computes smooth averages and handles plotting.



The model needs to output a dictionary with either the keys 'q_values' (and optional 'v_estimate') or 'mu' and 'sigma' if it is a continous model.

Main Process

- ray needs to be initialized before the sample manager is used (ray.init(log_to_driver=False) to suppress logs)

Sample Manager

The sample manager should be initalized from the main process.


    model: model Object
    environment: string specifying gym environment or object of custom gym-like (implementing the same methods) environment
    num_parallel: int, number of how many agents to run in parall
    total_steps: int, how many steps to collect for the exporence replay
    returns: list of strings specifying what extra information (besides state, action, reward, new_state, not_done) is to be returned by the experience replay
        supported are: 'value_estimate', 'log_prob', 'monte_carlo', defaults to empty list
    actin_sampling_type: string, type of sampling actions, supported are 'epsilon_greedy', 'thompson', or 'continous_normal_diagonal'

    model_kwargs: dict, optional model initialization specifications
    weights: optional, weights which can be loaded into the agent for remote data collecting
    input_shape: shape or boolean (if shape not needed for first call of model), defaults shape of the environments reset state

    env_config: dict, opitonal configurations for environment creation if a custom environment is used

    num_episodes: specifies the total number of episodes to run on the environment for each runner, defaults to 1
    num_steps: specifies the total number of steps to run on the environment for each runner

    gamma: float, discount factor for monte carlo return, defaults to 0.99
    temperature**: float, temperature for thomson sampling, defaults to 1
    epsilon: epsilon for epsilon greedy sampling, defaults to 0.95

    remote_min_returns: int, minimum number of remote runner results to wait for, defaults to 10% of num_parallel
    remote_time_out: float, maximum amount of time (in seconds) to wait on the remote runner results, defaults to None
kwargs = {
    'model' : MyModel,
    'environment' :'CartPole-v0',
    'num_parallel' :5,
    'total_steps' :100,
    'returns' : ['monte_carlo']
    'action_sampling_type' :'thompson',
    'model_kwargs': {
        'num_actions: 2 }
    'temperature' : 0.5,
    'num_episodes': 20

manager = SampleManager(**kwargs)


Handling data
    returns: dictionary with remoteley collected data according to the managers specifications

manager.initilize_buffer(buffer_size, optim_keys=['state', 'action', 'reward', 'state_new', 'terminal'])
        buffer_size: [int] size of the buffer
        optim_keys: [list of strings] specifies the data to be stored in the buffer
     -> the buffer is a dictonary with a list for each of its keys with a max len of buffer_size
        data: [dict] dict with list/np arrays/or tensors for each key
    -> when adding the new data leads to overstepping the buffer size, the data is handled according to the FIFO principle
 manager.sample(sample_size, from_buffer=True)
        sample_size: [int] how many samples to draw
        from_buffer: [boolean] if True samples are randomly drawn from the buffer, else new samples are created using the remote runners and the current agent
Handling the agent
  -> returns the current agent, an agent has the methods:
        agent.q_val(state, action)
    -> updates the current agents weights

manager.save_model(path, epoch, model_name='model')
        path: [str] specifying the relative path to the folder where the model should be saved in 
    -> creates a folder in the folder specified by 'path' where the current model is saved using tensorflows (only supported for tf models currently!)
    -> loads the most recent model in the folder specified by path using tf.keras.models.load_model()
    returns: agent with loaded weights
Handling evaluation
  manager.test(self, max_steps, test_episodes=100, evaluation_measure='time', render=False, do_print=False)
        max_steps: [int] how many max steps to take in the environment
        test_episodes: [int] how many episodes to test
        evaluation_measure: [string] specifiying what to be returned, can be 'time', 'reward' or 'time_and_reward'
        render: [boolean] whether to render the environmend while testing
        do_print: [boolean] whether to print the mean evaluation measure
      -> returns list of mean time steps or rewards or both
  manager.initialize_aggregator(self, path, saving_after=10, aggregator_keys=['loss'])
        path: [str] relative path specifiying the folder where plots tracking the training progress should be saved to
        saving_after: [int] after how many iterations of aggregator updates the results should be visualized and saved in a plot
        aggregator_keys: [list of strings] keys for the internal dictonary specifiying what should be tracked
   -> takes a list of named arguments where the names should match the aggregators keys and refers to a list of values to be stored in the aggregator

All funcionalities are demonstrated in the script.


Your Reinforcement Learning Ally






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