InveStats is a responsive single page application, where users can buy and sell from thousands of stocks. Featuring up-to-date price charts, financial data, and news so that users can make the most informed decision.
Demo of the app hosted at:
- Real up-to-date stock price line and candlestick charts. Choose between past day, week, month, MTD, YTD, 1 year, and 5 year time intervals.
- Search, buy, and sell stocks by stock symbol or name.
- Get personal performance stats, and general stock performance stats.
- Donut chart visualizing total stock holdings.
- News ticker displaying most recent news for all stocks held.
# Clone project
git clone
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Load sample data
node server/PortfolioSeed.js
node server/StockSeed.js
# Run local server
npm start
Visit in browser: http://localhost:3000
├── client // client build
│ ├── vue.config.js // config
│ ├── public // public assets
│ │ ├── favicon.ico // favicon
│ │ └── index.html // html template
│ ├── src // source code
│ │ ├── assets // static resource like themes, fonts
│ │ ├── components // global public components
│ │ ├── App.vue // entry view
│ │ └── main.js // entry for loading components, initialization
│ ├── babel.config.js // babel-loader config
│ ├── .gitignore // gitignore
│ └── package.json // package.json
├── server // server build
│ ├── public // public assets
│ │ ├── css // css
│ │ ├── js // js
│ │ ├── favicon.ico // favicon
│ │ └── index.html // html template
│ ├── models // models
│ ├── controllers // controllers
│ ├── routes // request routes
│ ├── index.js // entry for server initialization
│ ├── portfolioSeed.js // load sample portfolio
│ └── stockSeed.js // load sample stocks
├── .gitignore // gitignore
└── package.json // package.json
GET /api/portfolios/:id
GET /api/news?q={symbol}&from={date}