This project involves designing and building a compact pocket calculator based on the ATmega328P microcontroller. The calculator can perform basic arithmetic operations and demonstrate the practical application of embedded systems in everyday devices. It is an excellent example of integrating hardware and software to create a functional and portable tool.
Instructor: Master Pham Minh Quan
Team Members:
No. Name Student Code Email 1 Tran Ngoc Anh 22520077 2 Pham Thi Phuong Anh 22520070 -
Class code: CE103.O22 (Semeter II, 2024)
- Microcontroller: ARDUINO Uno R3
- Hardware: 16x2 LCD, Matrix 4x4 Keypad, Adapter 5V 3A Jack to 5.5 x 2.1mm, single potentiometer (POT) 10K ohm, resistors, code loading cable.
- Technical skill: C/C++.
- Environment Development: ArduinoIDE, Altium Designer, Proteus 8 Professional (version 8.17).