_printf() is a project based on the famous printf function that you can find in C lenguaje.
- Format data types
- Print data types like:
- Int
- Char
- strings
Type command below to learn how to use it:
$ man ./man_3_printf
Those are the files that you can find into this projects
File | Features |
_printf.c | Is the principal function of the _printf function and its a variadic function: receive and string and arguments. |
find.c | Is incharged to convert the list arguments into his aproriate datatype. Call the correct function to printJust work with numbers |
convert_numbers.c | Just work with number Is incharged to convert the list arguments into his aproriate datatype |
convert_ascii.c | Same that convert_numbers, but for characters |
rev_string.c | receives a string and reverse it |
1-print_double.c | %d function |
1-print_integer.c | Print any int datatypes |
1-print_unsigned.c | Print unsigned integers |
0-print_ascii.c | This file contains two functions: one for print individual characters and the other to print strings. |
holberton.h | header file |
man_3_printf | _printf manual |
- angellovc
- dagomez