This is a High Level Foundations repository created to learn the main principies behind some high level programming languages in the industry as python and javascript.
- About the Project
- How to use them
- Python
- SQL MySQL and Data Bases Management with Python
- Python Networking
- Javascript
- Author
** High Level Languages **
High level abstraction languages are used in the most of the companies in the tech industry. Due to this languages are similar to english it easy the developers job to accomplish with complex task in few amount of time.
This projects works with interpreter languages so you dont need to compille anything. To use the scripts or programs inside, its required to have installed python 3.4.3, MyQSL 5.7 and Node 10.14
Python is an interpreted, high-level and general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace.
First steps in python
Loops, conditionals, functions and variables management
How to import files, cross importations, importation problems and how to solve it
Arrays, dictionaries, sets, tuples, etc...
Thrown errors and how to manage them
Object Oriented Programming using classes in python
Introduction to unittesting
Object Oriented Programming
How are each data structures or datatype built in python
How to extend from a class to another
Serialization and deserialization and how to work with jsons in python
Named arguments in a function and put in practice all the knwoledge adquired in the projects before
Achieved Knowledges:
- What are variadic functions
- How to use va_start, va_arg and va_end macros
- Why and how to use the const type qualifier
When you are using a program all the state of it stored in the ram memory, but this is for temporal use which mean that if you leave current execution, you will lose your current state. In some cases you will need to store the states of your execution and that is achieved by using DataBases which save the information in the hard disk so that you can get it premanently.
Introduction to SQL relational databases and how to work with
More SQL queries
How to manage data bases usgin a programming languages.
- SQLalchemy was the framework used
One of the most important abilities in the industry today is to integrate a program with other programs or apis through internet and to do that is necessary to know how to fetch information, how to receive jsons and how to work with the information retreived
Use uris to do http requests, unsderstand http request and make CRUD requests
Use uris to do http requests, unsderstand http request and make CRUD requests
Javascript is highly used in front-end to make the logic of the webside on the client side
Basic Javascript concepts:
- Data Types
- Operators and Precedence
- Program flow
- Functions
- Arrays
- var lent and cosnt
Objecst, scopes and clousures
Fetch information and how to use it
- Angello Villegas - angellovc