This application runs in the background and identifies other people running the app within the local area by using low energy Bluetooth. While the app is running permanently in the background, it periodically broadcasts and listens for other Bluetooth-enabled devices (iOS and Android at this time) that also broadcast the same unique identifier.
Our unique identifier is also known as our service characteristic. In the Bluetooth spec, devices can broadcast the availability of services. Each service can have multiple characteristics. We use a characteristic to uniquely identify our service and distinguish from all other sorts of Bluetooth devices.
For every device we find with a matching characteristic, we record an identifier for the device we saw, the timestamp, and the RSSI of the Bluetooth signal, which will allow a team later on to determine who was in close proximity to individuals infected with the novel coronavirus.
- Passively collect anonymized ids of other users of the app that the device has been in proximity with (stored locally on the device)
- Allow the user to submit their "contact events" to NHS servers
- Receive push notifications from NHS and inform the user of their exposure status
cp Sonar/Environments/Sonar.xcconfig.sample .secret/Sonar.xcconfig
./bin/make-environment < Sonar/Environments/environment.json > .secret/Environment.swift
- Fill in the
file with the appropriate values from another developer. - Get a copy of GoogleService-Info.plist from one of the other developers and
copy that into the
directory. - Create
with the following contents:
struct RegistrationCanaryEnvironment {
static let apnsProxyHostname = "YOUR_HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS"
- If Xcode is open, restart Xcode. Xcode does not handle configuration files being changed out from under it gracefully.
- why do blocks?
The registration canary is a diagnostic tool that helps assess the health of
both the entire registraton system and APNS. See RegistrationCanary/
for more information.
Run bin/pact/setup
to install all necessary libraries, and install Sonar CA and trust it on all
running Simulator devices.
You can then proceed as indicated in the README of the Swift Pact Consumer library
to create pact tests. A mock service will be spun up for you before tests on https://localhost:1234
using a build step before action, and torn down afterwards.
If you get an SSL or ATS error when running the tests, re-run bin/pact/setup
to ensure that all
devices have the Sonar CA setup correctly.
Contract testing requires a mock server to be running that we can verify contracts against.
This is done by pact-mock-service
which is installed as a Ruby library (gem). Once the
contract is defined, it is then uploaded to the pact broker, which is done via pact-broker
also installed as a Ruby gem.
In order to satisfy App Transport Security (ATS) requirements, the setup involves a certificate for localhost that is issued by a Certificate Authority (CA) created for this project, Sonar CA. This is necessary since self-signed certificates are not accepted by ATS.
The certificate has a TTL of 2 years. When it expires, you will need to create a new Sonar CA, export the keys and generate a new certificate since we won't be including the CA private key here. This is to avoid any devices being used for testing accidentally becoming vulnerable to MitM.
The setup then installs the certificates in the simulator's SQLite trust store database using the ADVTrustStore library. It has been vendored and modified in order to not require user input so we're able to run it in CI.
We're then using the UI testing framework, specifically TrustSonarCARootCertTest to trust the Sonar CA root certificate on all booted simulator devices.
Pact tests are in a separate scheme since we do need to inject https://localhost:1234
as the API
endpoint. This is done via script in pre-action (bin/pact/setup-build-environment
). We want
to avoid rewriting the file for other debug builds such as the ones you push to your phone.
The app currently relies on remote (as opposed to push) notifications,
which we unfortunately have not been able to trigger on the Simulator. Push
notifications (in the form of .apns
files) can be dragged onto a Simulator
window or passed into simctl
, but remote notifications are only delivered on
There are currently a couple ways to do development with remote notifications:
is a script forked from There are instructions there for obtaining credentials from an Apple Developer account. However, we are out of available APNs keys, so you'll need to obtain that from another developer. Run the script with the path to one of the example notifications to send a remote notification through Apple:./bin/ "Example Notifications/2_potential_diagnosis.apns
. You will also need to set the following environment variables to configure the script:TEAMID
- the fully expanded path to the.p8
- retrieved from the console when running the application.
Code is truth. See the GitHub Actions configuration for the current behavior of the system. (And please update this documentation if it's wrong!)
All pushes get built (for both simulator and device) and tested (on iOS 12 and
13). The TestResult.xcresult
file is archived for future reference.
Successful pushes on master
get promoted to internal
. Every hour, if the
tip of internal
hasn't been deployed, we bump the build number and trigger a
deployment to the internal and beta apps, which will cut a release build and
upload it to Apple.
Once the builds are uploaded, they go through App Store processing. Once that finishes, there are some manual steps that need to be done by someone with App Manager+ permissions in App Store Connect in order to release the build to testers:
- Add Export Compliance Information to the build
- This will release the build to App Store Connect Users
- Add the build to the appropriate test groups
The release process caters for our normal use case, since with trunk-based development and continuous delivery, we can select a specific commit to promote as a production release.
However, this optimization means that the process for creating a release that
is not based off trunk (internal
for releases, as master
is trunk for
development) requires more manual intervention. For example, cutting a hotfix
release from a previous release commit will generally require a branch with the
necessary changes and a manual build number bump. The release process then
continues as normal, by deploying from the commit to a specified environment.
To trigger a release manually, set the following environment variables:
DEPLOYMENT_TOKEN="" # obtain one from here:
DEPLOYMENT_SHA="<sha of commit you want to release>"
Run the following command:
./bin/create-deployment <beta/internal/production>
The app's configuration is driven through three files in the .secret
- This is a pointer at one of the app configurations in Sonar/Environments. These mostly capture the differences for our separate applications in App Store Connect.
- Needed for Firebase.
CI configuration requires the following secrets:
- Used for uploading to App Store Connect.
- Used for yo-dawg-ing CI. (Sensibly, GitHub Actions doesn't allow recursive triggering of CI workflows from other CI workflows via the built-in token, so we need to use our own for this purpose.)
- Per-environment app configuration.
- Used by fastlane to set up credentials for building a distributable version of the app. See below for the gory, gory details.
- For automatically updating the backlog from story IDs in commits.
- Lets us know when we've broken CI in Slack.
Since we don't want to manually upload builds to App Store Connect and we don't want to write that automation ourselves, that pretty much leaves us with fastlane's upload_to_testflight action.
Long story short, we need to have a certificate and provisioning profile set up to build the app. These are secrets, and we do not want to expose them to the world. The path of least resistance with Fastlane is to use match, but this conflicts somewhat with our team and development structure - we don't want to force other dev teams to use fastlane or match, so we can't have match manage the setup, and we also don't have a separate repo to use for match[1]. We also want to continue using Xcode's "automatically manage signing" option for development.
[1] In hindsight, I wish we had explored this option further, but we have what we have now and it works, although in an unnecessarily complicated manner.
In theory, we should be able to use cert and sigh to manage the credentials as secrets, but I was unable to get that to work in CI. (This would really be the ideal way to handle this.) Instead, what we have is a monstrous hack around match, where we keep a stub of the match repo in source and a tar of the certs and profiles as a secret in CI, and then create the match repo in CI.
That might not seem too bad, but it's the setup of the match repository that gets hairy. There's undoubtedly a better way to do this, but this works. Here it is from memory, unfortunately, since I didn't write this down either time I set it up:
- Create a git repository for match locally that matches the stub in this
repository (
). - Switch to a branch that's not
so that match can usemaster
. - Initialize match (
fastlane match init
) pointed at the local repo. - Get certs and profiles via match (
fastlane match appstore
). This should store the secrets in the local repository, encrypted. - Tar up the certs and profiles into a secrets-compatible format. Something
tar cvz ci/match/certs ci/match/profiles | base64 > match.b64
, but I don't remember the exact command. Regardless, you should be able to dump it into aMATCH
environment variable and then run./bin/setup-match
in the root of this repo and see the certs and profiles get populated intoci/match
. If this didn't work, these steps should be enough to mostly point you in the right direction and hopefully you'll come back and update these steps to be accurate when you do figure it out.