An Express REST API service for Creating and Sharing Drum Loops. See Drum Root for Front End Service.
- Create Drum Loops
- Record Custom Sounds
- Save and Share Drum Loops With Others
- React - JavaScript UI Library
- Next.js - Server Side Rendering
- Styled Components - Styling
- Jest - JavaScript Testing Framework(Coming Soon)
- Puppeteer - A Node Library for Controlling Headless Chrome or Chromium. Used for Integration Testing.(Coming Soon)
- Storybook - Tool for Developing UI Components in Isolation.(Coming Soon)
- Express - Web Framework for Node.js
- PostgreSql - Relational Database(Coming Soon)
- Redis - In-Memory Data Structure Store. Used for Authorization.(Coming Soon)
- Project Lead - rgavinc
- Front End Lead - needed
- Back End Lead - yashShelatkar
- Database Lead - Aneesh
- QA Lead - zbc
- Designer/ Styling Lead - needed
To get started, fork the repository and run the following commands:
npm install
npm run start
To get started clone the drum-root-api and run the following commands
sudo docker-compose up --build (Gets running on port 3000)
To access the PSQL shell through local (goto a new terminal)
docker exec -it drum-root-api_postgres_1 bash
root@------:/# su postgres
$ psql