See the main documentation: (User guide, Developer Notes)
Sport training video analysis tool for sports that require precise movements, swings, or timings.
Useful for:
- Baseball
- Cricket
- Cycling
- Golf
- Soccer
- etc.
A tool that allows you to:
- delay a live video stream by a number of seconds. This allows you perform a training task such hitting a ball then immediately afterwards review what it looked like.
- pause the live stream and step through frame-by-frame
- record a small frames groups for later analysis
A tool that allows you to:
- Load a recording
- View in slowmotion
- View frame-by-frame
- Export to AVI
- Analysis Tool: allows user to process saved frame groups to produce:
- Generate graphs (from measurement capture devices)
- Annotate video frames with: freehand lines (that can be adjusted frame by frame)
- Open source hardware (arduino):
- USB handheld keyboard/joystick controller to quick access to features
- USB/Wireless accelerometer device to fix to bat/club/person to analyise motion. This would aid in improving timing of bat/ball sports and fixing swing/movement