This script is part of synth-shell
synth-shell-prompt formats your terminal's prompt as shown in the figure below. However, it's not all eye-candy but also useful information:
- Git statuses (requires pull/push, is dirty, etc.) if inside a directory that is part of a git repository.
- Better separation between user input and command outputs.
- Configurable colors and aesthetics.
- PyEnv aware.
- Intelligent $PWD shortening.
- And much more!
You may install synth-shell-prompt
from AUR:
Once installed, test it with:
. /usr/bin/synth-shell-prompt
And if you like it, add it permanently to your terminal with:
echo ". /usr/bin/synth-shell-prompt" >> ~/.bashrc
The included setup script will guide you step by step through the installatioj process. Just clone this repository and run it:
git clone --recursive
Then install the required fonts packages to display the triangle separators properly:
- ArchLinux: sudo pacman -S powerline-fonts
- Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt install fonts-powerline
You can then test your script by sourcing it from wherever you installed it.
Usually this is to your user's .config
folder, so you should run the following
command. Notice the .
, this is meant to source the script to your
terminal session (i.e. include it into your session).
. ~/.config/synth-shell/
If you want it to appear everytime you open a new terminal, run either
echo ". ~/.config/synth-shell/" >> ~/.bashrc
You can configure your scripts by modifying the corresponding configuration files. You can find them, along example configuration files, in the following folders depending on how you installed synth-shell:
- Current-user only:
- System wide:
In addition to having the command-line right after the prompt, it is possible to set-up synth-shell to instead display the command on the next line, which looks like this:
This can be achieved by changing the option enable_command_on_new_line=false
to enable_command_on_new_line=true
section of the synth-shell-prompt.config
Adds colors and triangular separators to your bash
prompt, and if the current working directory is part of a git repository,
also git statuses and branches.
For best results, consider installing (and telling your terminal to use)
the hack-ttf
font alongside the powerline-fonts (the later is required for
the separators).
As for the git status info,
prints an additional, fourth
separator with the name of the current branch and one of the following icons
to indicate the state of the repository (can be changed in the config file):
Local-Upstream | Local branch has no changes | Local branch is dirty |
Up to date | □ | |
Ahead (you have to push) | ▲ | △ |
Behind (you have to pull) | ▼ | ▽ |
Diverged (you have to pull-push) | ● | ○ |
This project is only possible thanks to the effort and passion of many, including developers, testers, and of course, our beloved coffee machine. You can find a detailed list of everyone involved in the development in Thanks to all of you!
If you like this project and want to contribute, you are most welcome to do so.
- Report a bug: if you notice that something is not right, tell us. We'll try to fix it ASAP.
- Suggest an idea you would like to see in the next release: send us and email or open an issue!
- Become a developer: fork this repo and become an active developer! Take a look at the issues for suggestions of where to start. Also, take a look at our coding style.
- Spread the word: telling your friends is the fastes way to get this code to the people who might enjoy it!
synth-shell-prompt is part of synth-shell
Copyright (c) 2014-2023, Andres Gongora -
- This software is released under a GPLv3 license. Read license-GPLv3.txt, or if not present,
- If you need a closed-source version of this software for commercial purposes, please contact the authors.