Flexible and easy social sharing directives for Twitter, Google Plus, Facebook, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn, and Reddit.
bower install angular-social-links
angular.module('myApp', ['socialLinks']);
Angular social links will automatically use the absolute URL of the current page:
<a social-twitter>share on twitter</a>
<a social-twitter status="My custom status">share on twitter</a>
<a social-facebook>share on facebook</a>
<a social-gplus>share on google plus</a>
<a social-pinterest media="http://lorempixel.com/100/100/nature/1">share on pinterest</a>
<a social-linkedin>share on linkedin</a>
<a social-stumbleupon>share on stumbleupon</a>
<a social-reddit>share on reddit</a>
but you can define custom URLs too:
<a social-twitter custom-url="http://google.com">share on twitter</a>
<a social-facebook custom-url="http://google.com">share on facebook</a>
<a social-gplus custom-url="http://google.com">share on google plus</a>
<a social-pinterest media="http://lorempixel.com/100/100/nature/1" custom-url="http://google.com">share on pinterest</a>
<a social-linkedin custom-url="http://google.com">share on linkedin</a>
<a social-stumbleupon custom-url="http://google.com">share on stumbleupon</a>
<a social-reddit custom-url="http://google.com">share on reddit</a>
npm install
grunt build