This is the repository for all the exercises and assignments I have performed relative to the Robotics Engineering class "Experimental robotics laboratory" 2020/2021, held at the University of Genoa
Involved packages: first_package, pos_server. To run the code please launch ROS, then type in a terminal
rosrun stage_ros stageros $(rospack find exercise1)/world/
rosrun exercise1 exercise1 _xt:=2.0 _yt:=3.0
rosrun pos_server position_server
This is the official text for the assignment
Due to time constraints, I have dropped formal reporting of all the exercises proposed at lecture time, save for the very first one. This also seems to be what the professor chose to do, as this was supposed to be the overall folder for the exercises, but it comprises just the number 1. That said, part of the material used for the exercises is still available among the professor's repositories
Please refer to the readme and the documentation inside its folder
Please refer to the readme and the documentation inside its folder
Please refer to the readme and the documentation inside its folder
All the files in this repository belong to Andrea Pitto.
Contact: 📧