Stocking up for beer-o'clock at home? Find the cheapest beer deals for out there with: BrewScanner!
As a bar-goer who prefer to stay home during Covid-19 pandemic, I'd like to stock up on beer so that I could still hold happy hours with some friends at home
As a person that shops online, I'd want to view listings of cheapest deals and product varieties without having to visit the respective online grocery retailers so I can compare product prices within the same site
As a person that shops online, I'd like to order and purchase products from different suppliers (eg. FairPrice & Cold Storage) under a single transaction so I do not need to go to each supplier's online store to make my purchase
- As a visitor that is 18 years old or above, you are eligible to register for an account and sign in to view product listing
- As a registered user, you can search and filter products, sort according to product prices to facilitate your shopping experience
- As a registered user, you can add products to your cart and check out your cart.
- As a registered user, you can view your past transactions under Order History.
- Node.js
- Express.js
- React, React-Router-Dom
- MongoDB, mongoose
- Bcrypt
- JSON Web Token
- Axios
- Cheerio
- Bootstrap, React-Bootstrap
- Heroku
- User
- Transaction
- Allow sign up for visitor who declares that they are 18 or above
- List products from supplying online stores (eg. Cold Storage / FairPrice)
- Show product's name, unit, price and a hyperlink that directs to the detailed product information on the original supplier's website
- Allow searches via search box input, filter by suppliers
- Allow sorting of products based on prices
- Allow user to update user's address
- Adding products to cart
- Storing user's last cart activity (pre-check out) into Local Storage so that the next time he/she visits BrewScanner on the same device, his/her cart information is intact.
- Allow user to remove individual item, item's quantity count or remove all items from cart
- Allow user to check out/purchase cart items. Clear existing information from cart upon purchase.
- Display user's past transactions on Order History page