Passari components passari, passari-workflow and passari-web-ui combined to a single Docker Compose environment running on AlmaLinux 9 and Python 3.12.
Note: This README is a summary to get a development environment setup quickly. For more detailed information, see the docs for each component separately.
git submodule update --init
- Copy
and configure the environment variables. - Run
docker compose up
This setup will automatically update the Passari configuration files on the "web" container when the container starts. Their contents are generated by applying the current environment variables to the the template TOML files in the configs directory:
See the docs in passari, passari-workflow and passari-web-ui for more information about the configurations for each component.
The migrations for the Passari Workflow database are run automatically on the docker entrypoint.
To initialize the database for Passari Web UI, set the following env variable:
When the database is initialized an admin user is automatically created if it it doesn't exist and the following env variables are set:
Web UI development server is automatically started as the last command in the docker entrypoint.
The Web UI can be accessed at http://localhost:5000
If you want to access Redis Commander to monitor Redis, you can visit:
This will give you a web UI to interact with the Redis instance running in the Docker container.
The docker setup installs each component with pip install .
instead of using the pinned requirements in /passari/requirements.txt
due to some of those being incompatible with Python 3.12.
Issues with the unpinned dependencies are fixed by installing requirements-fixed.txt
e.g. to fix passari-web init-db
werkzeug==2.2.2 (downgrade)
rq-dashboard==0.6.1 (downgrade)
sqlalchemy==1.4.32 (downgrade)
Flask-Security-Too==3.4.2 (downgrade)
pytz (required by flask-babelex)