This repo showcases the power of data science in the healthcare field. The project uses SPSS to create a machine learning model which predicts whether a patient will get a heart failure or not. The front end of this project is a Flask app.
This is the SPSS flow that needs to be created in order to deploy the model
- Import the patients.csv dataset
- Connect the type node and open it to specify heart failure attribute as the target and rest as input
- Connect the partition node and specify 80 - training and 20 - testing
- Connect the random forest node
- Hit Run
- Connect the Orange model node to a table node
- Hit Run again
- Click on the 3 dots on the table node
- Select Save node as a model and give a name to the model
- Once model is deployed go to the project page and you will find the model under Watson machine learning models
- Click the model and click add deployment, next add a name for the deployment and wait for it to be deployed
- Copy the scoring end under the test tab which will be used later
- Edit the file:
- Add your watson machine learning service credentials which you get from