This repository implements bug1 and bug2 algorithm for Turtlebug3 Burger robot.
You can find the details of bug1 and bug2 algorithms here
The code is developed using ros services.
I tested this code on Ubuntu 20.04 with Ros Noetic.
Steps for installation:
- Initialize your catkin working environment
- Clone this repository to and move the "src" folder to your workspace
- Run
in the root folder of your workspace
First open a new terminal in the root folder of your workspace
- Run
source devel/setup.bash
- Run
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
- Put your world description file under "src/controller/worlds/" folder
- Run
export WORLD={name of your world file}
- Run
roslaunch controller turtlebot3_world.launch
Now open a new terminal in the root folder of your workspace to run the client side
- Run
source devel/setup.bash
- Run
rosrun controller {x position} {y position} {bugone flag}
- For instance
rosrun controller 2 0 True
to get to x=2,y=0 with bug1 algorithm. rosrun controller 2 0 False
uses bug2 to get to the destination.