Online Auction System - Android Project
Apna Bazzar, an Online Auction System, Android App Apna Bazzar is an android app based on online auction system.
In the app the user can chooes to be either a buyer or seller.
Seller can upload his/her products with all the required details of the products such as name, discription, quantity, Min bid amount, date and time of auction start and the duration for how long the auction should be active.
Once the product is uploaded, it is first put to display, where buyer can review the products and see if he/she is interested in that product.
Once the Auction start time arrives, the product is taken from upcoming page and displayd on active or live auction page.
Buyer can click on the product and place a bid if he/she is intrested in it. The bidder or buyer cannot bid with an amount less than or equal to the minimum bid amouunt specified by the seller.
Once a bid is placed by a bidder, the next bidder cannot bid less then the previous bidder.
Every bid placed by the bidder can be found in the Navagation bar under bid history, which stores the bid history of the bidder and also displays the current highest bidder. Once the bidding time is over, under the winner list all the products whoes bidding time is over are displayed.
In winner list, if the current user is the winner of a perticular product, only he/she will get the payment option and seller details for contacting.
Payment methods are implemented using the UPI services.