Note: Frozen - reference only
Wires up a client app with jenkins and github without exposing jenkins to github webhooks. Manage/automate/customize your deployments based on specific CI/CD needs.
Ensure there is a database cifi3, if not, create it using
mysql> create database cifi3;
mvn spring-boot:run -Dlogback-debug=true -Dport=8080
If InspectIt for APM:
-javaagent:C:\Apps\inspectIT\agent\inspectit-agent.jar -Dinspectit.repository=localhost:9070
In eclipse, right-click on
Run As -> JUnit Test -
Optional: Run Configurations -> Arguements -> Add
under VM arguements -> Run -
To generate report: mvn clean surefire-report:report site -DgenerateReports=false
java -jar cifi.jar --cifi.hostname=<hostname>,master
java -jar cifi.jar --cifi.hostname=<hostname>,slave --cifi.master.server= --cifi.master.port=8080 --cifi.master.protocol=http