- Test cases for using
to fire up modules dynamically while initializing the module itself - Implement logging adapter
- Circular dependency detection for modules of type 'multiple instances' and for singletons in case nested fireUp calls with 'fireUp/currentInjector' are used
- Circular dependency detection for require injections with the mock in use
- New type
'multiple chached instances'
that init and cache a module according to the static args. An instance for the same static arg values gets reused. - The options passed to the injector are dangerous for singletons because the
settings might change in the next injector call but an already created and differently wired instance is returned.
Destroy support
- If a subcomponent shall be destroyed Fire Up! will still hold the involved singletons in its cache.
- See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fTR4TcTGbmExa5w2SRNAkM1fsB9kYeOvfuiI99FgR24/mobilebasic?pli=1 about releasing memory
Live reload during development and in production
- fireUp.again(moduleReference) ?
- fireUp.reload(options) ?
- Using EcmaScript 6 generators as factory methods
- Through
yield 'moduleReference'
dependencies could be requested dynamically - Excellent introduction to ES6 generators
- Through