Authentication server base on Identity server 4. Manage your api, client, users, roles, permissions and tenants.
- Restore the mongodb backup on the server of your choice.
- Add you connection string on the appsettings
"ApplicationDbSettings": {
"ConnectionString": "[ConnectionString]",
"DatabaseName": "[DatabaseName]"
- Generate locale certificate
dotnet dev-certs https --trust
- Run the application
dotnet run
The application will be running on localhost:5001 by default. The tenant should be indicated as a subdomain such : sandbox.localhost:5001 or test.localhost:5001.
⚠️ If you there is no subdomain the fallback tenant will be sandbox
By default the app is initilizaed on localhost:5001. The sample database is initialized with a user granted with all permissions.
Password: 7a4VHGEzuFiA
Two types of clients are available. Single page application or machine to machine client.
- The first is to connect web client application with Implicit flow authentication.
- The second one connect a server to the a protected app throw client credentials (Id, secret). You can also activate the **resource owner **grant type to act on behalf of a user by sending the user’s name and password (Grant type : Resource Owner)
Create OpenId API with extended customisable scopes.
Create roles, and permssions to restrict access to your api. All permissions are associated with users throw roles.
You can create user from the backoffice or throw the registration page. User authenticated throught the registration page has no permissions by default.