- listview-scrollviewreader
- recents-tab-sample
- navigationtitle-large
- listview-editmode-move
- listrowbackground-differences
- displaymodebuttonissue
- texttruncation
- navigationview-toolbaritems-ax
- playground-with-sources
Tool: Toolbar item in principal location conflicts with navigation title regardless of mode
Feedback Number: FB8071544
Submitted: July 19, 2020
Issue: When setting a toolbar item to use the principal placement and displaying a view with a navigation title and a display mode of any value, the toolbar item is not displayed.
Expected behavior: Similar to the “Recents” tab in the phone app, the toolbar item (in this case a segmented picker) should be visible, and the navigation title should only appear while the table is completely scrolled to the top. When the user scrolls the list to see further content, the navigation bar should become opaque/blurred background and the navigation title scrolled underneath but without being visible in the navigation bar.
Attached is a sample app that should replicate the behavior of the “Recents” tab in terms of layout of navigation title and toolbar items. However, when the navigation title is set, then only the title is displayed. If the navigation title is not set then the segmented picker is visible. In the case of the large/automatic display style, if there is no navigation title then there is a blank space enforced at the top of the view for the unset title.
Title: ScrollView within NavigationView immediately hides navigation title with automatic/large
Feedback Number: FB8140531
Submitted: July 24, 2020
- extract attached project
- use simulator or preview to test
- tap the “Scroll” tab item
- begin scrolling the view
- note: the “Scroll” title immediately jumps into the navigation bar and adjusts the scroll offset suddenly
- tap the “List” tab item
- begin scrolling the view
- note: the “List” title slides up under the navigation bar and into the title position as expected (smoothly) and does obviously adjust the scroll offset
Expected output: Both uses behave the same
Apple September 17, 2020, 8:16 PM Please verify this issue with the iOS 14 seed and update your bug report with your results by logging into https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/ or by using the Feedback Assistant app.
iOS 14.2 seed (18B5052h) https://developer.apple.com/download/
If the issue persists, please attach a new sysdiagnose captured in the latest build and attach it to the bug report. Thank you.
iOS sysdiagnose Instructions: https://developer.apple.com/services-account/download?path=/iOS/iOS_Logs/sysdiagnose_Logging_Instructions.pdf
For a complete list of logging instructions visit: https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/
Me September 20, 2020, 9:05 PM This appears to have been corrected.
Title: List edit reorder control changes divider trailing inset
Feedback Number: FB8141728
Submitted: July 24, 2020
extract attached project
build and run
tap “SwiftUI” tab
tap “Edit” button
note: when put into edit mode the following: even without delete mode enabled the leading side offsets change, the reorder control is displayed on each cell but the trailing inset for the divider changes
tap the “UIKit” tab
tap the “Edit” button
note: when put into edit mode the divider trailing insets are not changed when the reorder is displayed
Title: List(_:id:...)
does not respect listRowBackground for content
Feedback Number: FB8165662
Submitted: July 26, 2020
- run attached example project
- tap/click on the “List Only” tab
- note the first row and second row have colors applied to background colors
- tap/click on the “
” tab - note that none of the rows have a background color applied
- tap/click on the “List{ForEach}” tab
- note that all of the rows have a background color applied
Expected behavior: All examples would have colors applied
Title: NavigationView in compact vertical size class shows displayModeButtonItem assert after two pushes
Feedback Number: FB8209786
Submitted: July 29, 2020
Repro steps:
- unpack attached project
- build for iPhone device
- tap the “One” link
- tap the “Two” link
- open Xcode’s console
- note the following:
[Assert] displayModeButtonItem is internally managed and not exposed for DoubleColumn style. Returning an empty, disconnected UIBarButtonItem to fulfill the non-null contract.
Title: Text.TruncationMode operates incorrectly with multiline content
Feedback Number: FB8288914
Submitted: August 6, 2020
When a Text
view contains text that is longer than one line and a text truncation mode is applied the truncation happens only on the final line regardless of mode.
Assume the text is “This is a block of text that will show up in a text element as multiple lines. The text will fill the available space, and then, eventually, be truncated.” (pulled from the docs: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/text/truncationmode(\_:)) Below are how they are rendered.
This is a block of
text that will show
up in a text element
as multiple
lines. The text will
fill the available s…
This is a block of
text that will show
up in a text element
as multiple
lines. The text will
This is a block of
text that will show
up in a text element
as multiple
lines. The text will
…ally, be truncated.
Clearly the .tail
case appears correctly while .head
and .middle
are incorrect.
Check out the attached playground for repro
Apple September 17, 2020, 1:17 PM
Please verify this issue with macOS Big Sur 11 beta 7 and update your bug report with your results by logging into https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/ or by using the Feedback Assistant app.
macOS Big Sur 11 beta 7 (20A5374g) https://developer.apple.com/download/
If the issue persists, please attach a new sysdiagnose captured in the latest build and attach it to the bug report.
macOS sysdiagnose Instructions: https://developer.apple.com/services-account/download?path=/OS_X/OS_X_Logs/sysdiagnose_Logging_Instructions.pdf
For a complete list of logging instructions visit: https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/
Me September 20, 2020, 9:06 PM
This is still not fixed.
Title: Adding ToolbarItem to view within ScrollView within NavigationView causes error to print to console on scroll
Feedback Number: FB8339381
Submitted: August 10, 2020
Extract and run the provided sample, or added the code bellow to a project and then begin scrolling.
NavigationView {
ScrollView(.vertical) {
Text("Hello, world!")
.toolbar(items: {
ToolbarItem {
The console will display the following error numerous times: "*** -[NSMutableArray addObjectsFromArray:]: array argument is not an NSArray"
Setting a breakpoint within -[NSMutableArray addObjectsFromArray:]
and printing $arg3
shows that the system is trying to insert an NSSet and not an NSArray:
(lldb) po $arg3
<UIBarButtonItem: 0x7fc308308e80> view=0x7fc308410690
- Can be any view within the ToolbarItem, but this demonstrates that nothing even has to be rendered to cause the error
- The “backtrace.txt” that is attached is also contained within the attached archive
Apple September 10, 2020, 11:36 PM
Please verify this issue with the iOS 14 beta 8 and update your bug report with your results by logging into https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/ or by using the Feedback Assistant app.
iOS 14 beta 8 (18A5373a) https://developer.apple.com/download/
If the issue persists, please attach a new sysdiagnose captured in the latest build and attach it to the bug report.
iOS sysdiagnose Instructions: https://developer.apple.com/services-account/download?path=/iOS/iOS_Logs/sysdiagnose_Logging_Instructions.pdf
For a complete list of logging instructions visit: https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/
Me September 19, 2020, 1:24 PM
I am no longer able to reproduce this issue. Closing.
Title: Using Sources directory causes failure to compile
Feedback Number: FB8584576
Submitted: August 30, 2020
Please provide a descriptive title for your feedback: Using Sources directory causes failure to compile
Which area are you seeing an issue with? Swift Playgrounds
What type of feedback are you reporting? Incorrect/Unexpected Behavior
Please describe the issue: If a playground has anything in the “Sources” directory then the playground is unable to compile with Xcode 12b6.
Please list the steps you took to reproduce the issue:
- Create a new playground
- Run the playground
- Verify that the playground shows “Hello, playground”
- Add new file to Sources directory
- Add nothing to the new file
- Return to the playground file
- Run the playground again
What did you expect to happen? The playground to run successfully.
What actually happened? The following error was displayed in the console and the playground did not run.
expression failed to parse, fixed expression suggested:
import SourcesTest_Sources
#sourceLocation(file: "SourcesTest.playground", line: 1)
import Cocoa
var str = "Hello, playground"
Title: ListView should suport ScrollViewReader
Feedback Number: FB8094063
Submitted: July 21, 2020
ListView has a scroll view, it should support ScrollViewReader for programmatic scrolling to specific content. Currently there is no way to programmatically scroll a ListView to a specific row/section.
Currently when a ScrollViewReader is embedded within a ListView all of the formatting that ListView provides automatically is removed. This breaks the ListView.
There is no obvious way to get ListView style formatting when using a ScrollView + ScrollViewReader + (Lazy)VStack for the content. This requires the developer to reimplement the most basic ListView formatting and functionality.
Me July 22, 2020
Tried again after seeing the following in the Xcode 12 beta 3 release notes, however the issue remains: using a List within a ScrollViewReader still does not scroll.
List may now be used with ScrollViewReader . (35471164)
Apple July 30, 2020
Thank you for filing this feedback report. We reviewed your report and determined the behavior you experienced is currently functioning as intended.
We won’t scroll the List if there aren’t enough rows to scroll. There are only 10 rows here.
You can close this feedback by clicking on the "Close Feedback" link. Thank you.
I was doing it wrong