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(Widget) Libre HW Monitor

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Libre Hardware Monitor Widget Configuration

Option Type Default Description
label string "<span>\udb82\udcae </span> {info[value]}{info[unit]}" The primary label format.
label_alt string "<span>\uf4bc </span>{info[histogram]} {info[value]} ({info[min]}/{info[max]}) {info[unit]}" Histograms. The alternative label format.
sensor_id string "/amdcpu/0/load/0" Libre Hardware Monitor SensorId from http://localhost:8085/data.json
class_name string "libre-monitor-widget" CSS class name for styling of different widget instances.
update_interval integer 1000 The interval in milliseconds to update the widget.
precision integer 2 Floating point precision of the info[value].
history_size integer 60 The size of the min/max history.
histogram_num_columns integer 10 The number of columns in the histogram.
histogram_fixed_min integer None Histogram minimum value. If None - set as history minimum value.
histogram_fixed_max integer None Histogram maximum value. If None - set as history maximum value.
sensor_id_error_label string N/A The label shown when the sensor id is invalid or the sensor does not exist/disabled.
connection_error_label string Connection error... The label shown when YASB can't connect to the Libre Hardware Monitor Web server. Either the server is not running or the IP/port is wrong.
auth_error_label string Auth Failed... The label shown when there is a username/password issue while connecting to LHM Web server if the authentication is enabled in LHM settings.
server_host string "localhost" Libre Hardware Monitor server host.
server_port integer 8085 Libre Hardware Monitor server port.
server_username string "" Libre Hardware Monitor username. Only needed if auth is enabled.
server_password string "" Libre Hardware Monitor password. Only needed if auth is enabled.
histogram_icons list ['\u2581', '\u2581', '\u2582', '\u2583', '\u2584', '\u2585', '\u2586', '\u2587', '\u2588'] Icons representing CPU usage histograms.
callbacks dict {'on_left': 'toggle_label', 'on_middle': 'do_nothing', 'on_right': 'do_nothing'} Callback functions for different mouse button actions.

Example Configuration (GPU Temperature)

    type: "yasb.libre_monitor.LibreHardwareMonitorWidget"
      label: "<span>\udb82\udcae </span> {info[value]}{info[unit]}"
      label_alt: "<span>\uf437 </span>{info[histogram]} {info[value]} ({info[min]}/{info[max]}) {info[unit]}"
      sensor_id: "/gpu-nvidia/0/temperature/0"
      update_interval: 1000
      precision: 2
      histogram_num_columns: 10
      class_name: "libre-monitor-widget"

      history_size: 60
        - '\u2581' # 0%
        - '\u2581' # 10%
        - '\u2582' # 20%
        - '\u2583' # 30%
        - '\u2584' # 40%
        - '\u2585' # 50%
        - '\u2586' # 60%
        - '\u2587' # 70%
        - '\u2588' # 80%+

      # histogram_fixed_min: 0.0
      # histogram_fixed_max: 100.0

      # server_host: "localhost"
      # server_port: 8085
      # server_username: "admin"
      # server_password: "password"

        on_left: "toggle_label"
        on_middle: "do_nothing"
        on_right: "do_nothing"

Set up instructions

  1. Install Libre Hardware Monitor
  2. Run Libre Hardware Monitor.
  3. Start the Remote Web Server (Options -> Remote Web Server -> Run).
  4. Find the required SensorId in the http://localhost:8085/data.json.
  5. Update the widget configuration with the required SensorId.

Note: Libre Hardware Monitor and its web server must be running in the background for the widget to work. Autostart is recommended.

Description of Options

  • label: The format string for the Libre Monitor label. You can use placeholders like {info[value]} {info[unit]} to dynamically insert required information.
  • label_alt: The alternative format string for the Libre Monitor label. Useful for displaying additional details like histogram {info[histogram]} or min/max values {info[min]} {info[max]}.
  • class_name: Custom CSS class name for the widget instance. Useful when having multiple widgets with different styling.
  • sensor_id: The sensor ID of the Libre Hardware Monitor server. All the SensorIds can be found in the http://localhost:8085/data.json when the server is running (Options->Remote Web Server->Run).
  • update_interval: The interval in milliseconds at which the widget updates its information. Limited by the Libre Hardware Monitor update interval.
  • precision: Floating point precision of the {info[value]}.
  • history_size: The size of the min/max history. The history is reset when the widget/yasb is reloaded.
  • histogram_fixed_min: Set the fixed minimum value of the histogram. Actual sensor min value from the history is not changed. If not set manually it will be set as history minimum value.
  • histogram_fixed_max: Set the fixed maximum value of the histogram. Actual sensor max value from the history is not changed. If not set manually it will be set as history maximum value.
  • histogram_icons: A list of icons representing different values of the histogram.
  • histogram_num_columns: The number of columns to display in the histogram.
  • sensor_id_error_label: The label shown when the sensor id is invalid or the sensor does not exist/disabled.
  • connection_error_label: The label shown when YASB can't connect to the Libre Hardware Monitor Web server. Either the server is not running or the IP/port is wrong.
  • auth_error_label: The label shown when there is a username/password issue while connecting to LHM Web server if the authentication is enabled in LHM settings.
  • server_host: The host of the Libre Hardware Monitor server.
  • server_port: The port of the Libre Hardware Monitor server.
  • server_username: The username of the Libre Hardware Monitor server. Required if auth is enabled.
  • server_password: The password of the Libre Hardware Monitor server. Required if auth is enabled.
  • callbacks: A dictionary specifying the callbacks for mouse events. The keys are on_left, on_middle, and on_right, and the values are the names of the callback functions.

Example Style

.libre-monitor-widget {}
.libre-monitor-widget .widget-container {}
.libre-monitor-widget .widget-container .label {}
.libre-monitor-widget .widget-container .label.alt {}
.libre-monitor-widget .widget-container .icon {}
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