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(Widget) Libre HW Monitor

github-actions edited this page Jan 13, 2025 · 3 revisions

Libre Hardware Monitor Widget Configuration

Option Type Default Description
label string "<span>\udb82\udcae </span> {info[value]}{info[unit]}" The primary label format.
label_alt string "<span>\uf4bc </span>{info[histogram]} {info[value]} ({info[min]}/{info[max]}) {info[unit]}" Histograms. The alternative label format.
sensor_id string "/amdcpu/0/load/0" Libre Hardware Monitor SensorId from http://localhost:8085/data.json
class_name string "libre-monitor-widget" CSS class name for styling of different widget instances.
update_interval integer 1000 The interval in milliseconds to update the widget.
precision integer 2 Floating point precision of the info[value].
history_size integer 60 The size of the min/max history.
histogram_num_columns integer 10 The number of columns in the histogram.
histogram_fixed_min integer None Histogram minimum value. If None - set as history minimum value.
histogram_fixed_max integer None Histogram maximum value. If None - set as history maximum value.
sensor_id_error_label string N/A The label shown when the sensor id is invalid or the sensor does not exist/disabled.
connection_error_label string Connection error... The label shown when YASB can't connect to the Libre Hardware Monitor Web server. Either the server is not running or the IP/port is wrong.
auth_error_label string Auth Failed... The label shown when there is a username/password issue while connecting to LHM Web server if the authentication is enabled in LHM settings.
server_host string "localhost" Libre Hardware Monitor server host.
server_port integer 8085 Libre Hardware Monitor server port.
server_username string "" Libre Hardware Monitor username. Only needed if auth is enabled.
server_password string "" Libre Hardware Monitor password. Only needed if auth is enabled.
histogram_icons list ['\u2581', '\u2581', '\u2582', '\u2583', '\u2584', '\u2585', '\u2586', '\u2587', '\u2588'] Icons representing CPU usage histograms.
callbacks dict {'on_left': 'toggle_label', 'on_middle': 'do_nothing', 'on_right': 'do_nothing'} Callback functions for different mouse button actions.
animation dict {'enabled': True, 'type': 'fadeInOut', 'duration': 200} Animation settings for the widget.
container_padding dict {'top': 0, 'left': 0, 'bottom': 0, 'right': 0} Explicitly set padding inside widget container.

Example Configuration (GPU Temperature)

    type: "yasb.libre_monitor.LibreHardwareMonitorWidget"
      label: "<span>\udb82\udcae </span> {info[value]}{info[unit]}"
      label_alt: "<span>\uf437 </span>{info[histogram]} {info[value]} ({info[min]}/{info[max]}) {info[unit]}"
      sensor_id: "/gpu-nvidia/0/temperature/0"
      update_interval: 1000
      precision: 2
      histogram_num_columns: 10
      class_name: "libre-monitor-widget"

      history_size: 60
        - '\u2581' # 0%
        - '\u2581' # 10%
        - '\u2582' # 20%
        - '\u2583' # 30%
        - '\u2584' # 40%
        - '\u2585' # 50%
        - '\u2586' # 60%
        - '\u2587' # 70%
        - '\u2588' # 80%+

      # histogram_fixed_min: 0.0
      # histogram_fixed_max: 100.0

      # server_host: "localhost"
      # server_port: 8085
      # server_username: "admin"
      # server_password: "password"

        on_left: "toggle_label"
        on_middle: "do_nothing"
        on_right: "do_nothing"

Set up instructions

  1. Install Libre Hardware Monitor
  2. Run Libre Hardware Monitor.
  3. Start the Remote Web Server (Options -> Remote Web Server -> Run).
  4. Find the required SensorId in the http://localhost:8085/data.json.
  5. Update the widget configuration with the required SensorId.

Note: Libre Hardware Monitor and its web server must be running in the background for the widget to work. Autostart is recommended.

Description of Options

  • label: The format string for the Libre Monitor label. You can use placeholders like {info[value]} {info[unit]} to dynamically insert required information.
  • label_alt: The alternative format string for the Libre Monitor label. Useful for displaying additional details like histogram {info[histogram]} or min/max values {info[min]} {info[max]}.
  • class_name: Custom CSS class name for the widget instance. Useful when having multiple widgets with different styling.
  • sensor_id: The sensor ID of the Libre Hardware Monitor server. All the SensorIds can be found in the http://localhost:8085/data.json when the server is running (Options->Remote Web Server->Run).
  • update_interval: The interval in milliseconds at which the widget updates its information. Limited by the Libre Hardware Monitor update interval.
  • precision: Floating point precision of the {info[value]}.
  • history_size: The size of the min/max history. The history is reset when the widget/yasb is reloaded.
  • histogram_fixed_min: Set the fixed minimum value of the histogram. Actual sensor min value from the history is not changed. If not set manually it will be set as history minimum value.
  • histogram_fixed_max: Set the fixed maximum value of the histogram. Actual sensor max value from the history is not changed. If not set manually it will be set as history maximum value.
  • histogram_icons: A list of icons representing different values of the histogram.
  • histogram_num_columns: The number of columns to display in the histogram.
  • sensor_id_error_label: The label shown when the sensor id is invalid or the sensor does not exist/disabled.
  • connection_error_label: The label shown when YASB can't connect to the Libre Hardware Monitor Web server. Either the server is not running or the IP/port is wrong.
  • auth_error_label: The label shown when there is a username/password issue while connecting to LHM Web server if the authentication is enabled in LHM settings.
  • server_host: The host of the Libre Hardware Monitor server.
  • server_port: The port of the Libre Hardware Monitor server.
  • server_username: The username of the Libre Hardware Monitor server. Required if auth is enabled.
  • server_password: The password of the Libre Hardware Monitor server. Required if auth is enabled.
  • callbacks: A dictionary specifying the callbacks for mouse events. The keys are on_left, on_middle, and on_right, and the values are the names of the callback functions.
  • animation: A dictionary specifying the animation settings for the widget. It contains three keys: enabled, type, and duration. The type can be fadeInOut and the duration is the animation duration in milliseconds.
  • container_padding: Explicitly set padding inside widget container. Use this option to set padding inside the widget container. You can set padding for top, left, bottom and right sides of the widget container.

Example Style

.libre-monitor-widget {}
.libre-monitor-widget .widget-container {}
.libre-monitor-widget .widget-container .label {}
.libre-monitor-widget .widget-container .label.alt {}
.libre-monitor-widget .widget-container .icon {}
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