IRENA FlexTool is an energy and power systems model for understanding the role of variable power generation in future energy systems. It performs capacity expansion planning as well as operational planning.
This is IRENA FlexTool v3.0 in beta testing. Report any bugs or difficulties in the issue tracker. The previous version of IRENA FlexTool can be found in
User guide and documentation are under development, but the current version can be found here.
- Use a browser: IRENA FlexTool can be accessed with a web browser if you have an account for an IRENA FlexTool server. No public servers available at the moment. The browser interface is shown below.
- Local server: It is possible to setup a local server and then use a browser to access that server. See
- Install a front-end: Install Spine Toolbox and run IRENA FlexTool as a Spine Toolbox project. This gives you the graphical user interface of Spine Toolbox.
Instruction will be added later. The interface is shown below.
- Install Miniconda (or Anaconda) [Can be ignored if already installed]
- Start Anaconda prompt
- Create new Python environment [Also possible to use existing, up-to-date, Spine Toolbox environment]
conda create -n flextool python=3.8
- Activate the environment
conda activate flextool
- Install Git to the environment [Also possible to use existing Git installation]
conda install git
to a directory into which both FlexTool and Spine Toolbox will make their own folders- Clone the FlexTool Git repository
git clone
- Install Spine Toolbox [Can be skipped if using existing Toolbox environment]
- Clone the Toolbox repository
git clone
- cd to the freshly created folder
cd Spine-Toolbox
- Make sure Pip is up-to-date
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- Install packages required by Toolbox
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Clone the Toolbox repository
- Launch Spine Toolbox
python -m spinetoolbox
- Open FlexTool3 project in Spine Toolbox (Choose the flextool folder from File > Open project dialog)
In case of problems when installing Spine Toolbox, more instructions are available at:
- Open a conda prompt.
- Activate the environment
conda activate flextool
- Launch Spine Toolbox
python -m spinetoolbox
- Open FlexTool3 project in Spine Toolbox (Choose the flextool folder from File > Open project dialog)
Learn about the basic data structure (important for understanding the model): Spine database.
If using FlexTool with Spine Toolbox, learn how the Spine Toolbox workflow functions: Spine Toolbox workflow.
If using FlexTool with a web-browser, read how it works: Browser interface.
Finally, go to the documentation of the model itself: FlexTool tutorial and documentation.
Update of IRENA FlexTool to the latest version is done as follows
- Start anaconda prompt
conda activate flextool
(or whatever is your conda environment name for IRENA FlexTool)- cd to the FlexTool directory
git restore .
(THIS WILL DELETE YOUR LOCAL CHANGES TO THE FILES IN THE WORKFLOW. This will be improved in the future. Currently you can work around this by making your own input files (Excel or SQLite) and pointing the workflow items (Excel_input_data or Input_Data) to your own files instead of the input_data.sqlite or FlexTool_import_template.xlsx. Whenever you update IRENA FlexTool you need to update the file links again.)git pull