This url shortner is implemented by using a hashing technique such that every requested url to short is stored in a RDBMS table sequentially. Then I converted the primary key (int) to a hash code using base 62 conversion(More in base 62 conversion is explained below). This hash is used in shorten url. I have implemented another base 10 conversion method that will take a hash code as input and then it will convert it to a integer/long number. This base 10 converted number is the primary key of that table using which we can get the main url that was shorten.
This is called base 62 because we use 0-9 integers, A-Z capital alphabets and a-z small alphabets which when combined returns us 62. This means we can get a total of 2^62 combinations i.e. 4611686018427387904 times we can use before coming acroes any collisions.
As we know it is based on a hash conversion of base 62, i.e 4611686018427387904 combinations possible hence we don't need to handle collsions
3: Can we use other shorten url methods like or tiny.url instead of what is being provided in this codebase?
Yes. I have followed a design pattern OOP concept which will allow to use whatever type of concrete class you want to use
No, not yet
# Python 3 is required
git clone
cd url_shortner
pip install -r requirements.txt
python migrate
python runserver