- clone the repo
git clone
- open the server folder inside the repo folder
cd node-containerized-execution-env/server
- install all dependencies
npm i
- pull node and gcc docker image
# pull latest node image
docker pull node
# pull latest gcc image
docker pull gcc
- run RabbitMq and bind it to port 5672 in a terminal instance
docker run \
-p 5672:5672 \
- open another terminal instance and run the node server, from server folder
# go to server folder
cd server
# start the server
npm start
- open another terminal instance and serve the index.html, from client folder
# go from server folder to client folder
cd ../client
# create a static server
npx serve
make sure
are not bussyyyy!!
- install loadtest
npm i -g loadtest
- test the server
# send 1000 reqs with an concorency level 100
loadtest -n 1000 -c 100 http://localhost:3010
- Remote Code Execution System just like kirat said
- Using RabbitMQ in node js app
- Docker Engine API to create and work with containers
- An Implementation of the Docker API as node package - Dockerode
- Running Docker/Commnds using "child-process" module in node js (exec, spwan)
- Parallel Processing/Multithreading in node js
- Video Tutorials