- Icon packs
- Swipe up/down for notifications
- 6x6 grid for low DPI
- Center popups for high DPI
- No adaptive background for pre-Oreo apps
Disable this launcher and switch to different launcher before disabling the module. Not doing so could result in a “0.0dip has stopped working" bug. If you do encounter this bug, try installing the real Pixel Launcher from the app store.
APK Downloads: https://github.com/amirzaidi/launcher3/releases
Sources: https://github.com/amirzaidi/Launcher3/tree/o-mr1?files=1
Photos and videos : https://photos.app.goo.gl/qdcAcLOdiu8Kl1Bh1
Telegram Group: https://t.me/launcherthree
If something crashes I will need a logcat, a screen recording, a step by step walkthrough of how to reproduce the bug and a comparison with how it works on the real Pixel Launcher.