Table of Contents
Slate is a web application inspired by Canva, allowing users to have an easy way to create designs.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Clone the repo:
SSH version:
git clone
HTTPS version:
git clone
Install packages
pipenv install cd react-app npm install
Create a .env file and set the environment variables for SECRET_KEY and DATABASE_URL to your choosing.
Migrate and seed the files.
flask run db init flask run migrate flask seed all
Run the server and start the react app
pipenv run flask run cd react-app npm start
- Create a design
- Load all designs
- Load current user's designs
- Update a current user's design
- Delete a current user's design
- Create a brand
- Load all brands
- Load all user's brands
- Update a current user's brand
- Delete a current user's brand
Images / Shapes
- Create a design image or shape
- Edit a design image or shape
- Delete a design image or shape
Search / Filter
- Create a search filter
- See the result of a search filter
- Update a search filter
- Remove a search filter
Project Link: