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Signed-off-by: Sayed Bilal Bari <>
  • Loading branch information
sayedbilalbari committed Aug 2, 2024
2 parents 5339dd9 + 31b82d1 commit 22c6db4
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Showing 33 changed files with 4,771 additions and 887 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import
import java.time.LocalDateTime

import scala.collection.mutable.{LinkedHashMap, ListBuffer}
import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,35 +102,38 @@ object EventLogPathProcessor extends Logging {
(dbLogFiles.size > 1)

// If the user provides wildcard in the eventlogs, then the path processor needs
// to process the path as a pattern. Otherwise, HDFS throws an exception mistakenly that
// no such file exists.
// Once the glob path is checked, the list of eventlogs is the result of the flattenMap
// of all the processed files.
* If the user provides wildcard in the eventlogs, then the path processor needs
* to process the path as a pattern. Otherwise, HDFS throws an exception mistakenly that
* no such file exists.
* Once the glob path is checked, the list of eventlogs is the result of the flattenMap
* of all the processed files.
* @return List of (rawPath, List[processedPaths])
private def processWildcardsLogs(eventLogsPaths: List[String],
hadoopConf: Configuration): List[String] = {
val processedLogs = ListBuffer[String]()
eventLogsPaths.foreach { rawPath =>
hadoopConf: Configuration): List[(String, List[String])] = { { rawPath =>
if (!rawPath.contains("*")) {
processedLogs += rawPath
(rawPath, List(rawPath))
} else {
try {
val globPath = new Path(rawPath)
val fileContext = FileContext.getFileContext(globPath.toUri(), hadoopConf)
val fileStatuses = fileContext.util().globStatus(globPath)
processedLogs ++=
val paths =
(rawPath, paths)
} catch {
case _ : Throwable =>
// Do not fail in this block.
// Instead, ignore the error and add the file as is; then the caller should fail when
// processing the file.
// This will make handling errors more consistent during the processing of the analysis
logWarning(s"Processing pathLog with wildCard has failed: $rawPath")
processedLogs += rawPath
(rawPath, List.empty)

def getEventLogInfo(pathString: String,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,7 +229,13 @@ object EventLogPathProcessor extends Logging {
eventLogsPaths: List[String],
hadoopConf: Configuration): (Seq[EventLogInfo], Seq[EventLogInfo]) = {
val logsPathNoWildCards = processWildcardsLogs(eventLogsPaths, hadoopConf)
val logsWithTimestamp = logsPathNoWildCards.flatMap(getEventLogInfo(_, hadoopConf)).toMap
val logsWithTimestamp = logsPathNoWildCards.flatMap {
case (rawPath, processedPaths) if processedPaths.isEmpty =>
// If no event logs are found in the path after wildcard expansion, return a failed event
Map(FailedEventLog(new Path(rawPath), s"No event logs found in $rawPath") -> None)
case (_, processedPaths) =>
processedPaths.flatMap(getEventLogInfo(_, hadoopConf))

logDebug("Paths after stringToPath: " + logsWithTimestamp)
// Filter the event logs to be processed based on the criteria. If it is not provided in the
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Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ class AppSQLPlanAnalyzer(app: AppBase, appIndex: Int) extends AppAnalysisBase(ap
* Connects Operators to Stages using AccumulatorIDs.
* TODO: This function can be fused in the visitNode function to avoid the extra iteration.
* @param cb function that creates a SparkPlanGraph. This can be used as a cacheHolder for the
* object created to be used later.
Expand All @@ -87,7 +88,8 @@ class AppSQLPlanAnalyzer(app: AppBase, appIndex: Int) extends AppAnalysisBase(ap
* Both Qual/Prof analysis.
* For Qual apps, the app.sqlIDtoProblematic won't be set because it is done later during the
* aggregation phase.
* @param sqlId the SQL ID being analyzed
* @param sqlId the SQL ID being analyzed
* @param potentialProblems a set of strings that represent the potential problems found in the
* SQL plan.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,26 +121,26 @@ class AppSQLPlanAnalyzer(app: AppBase, appIndex: Int) extends AppAnalysisBase(ap
* 1- allSQLMetrics: a list of SQLMetricInfoCase
* 2- wholeStage: a list of WholeStageCodeGenResults
* 3- unsupportedSQLPlan: a list of UnsupportedSQLPlan that contains the SQL ID, node ID,
* node name.
* TODO: Consider handling the construction of this list in a different way for the
* Qualification
* node name.
* TODO: Consider handling the construction of this list in a different way for the
* Qualification
* 4- sqlPlanNodeIdToStageIds: A map between (SQL ID, Node ID) and the set of stage IDs
* It has the following effect on the visitor object:
* 1- It updates the sqlIsDsOrRDD argument to True when the visited node is an RDD or Dataset.
* 2- If the SQLID is an RDD, the potentialProblems is cleared because once SQL is marked as RDD,
* all the other problems are ignored. Note that we need to set that flag only once to True
* for the given SQLID.
* all the other problems are ignored. Note that we need to set that flag only once to True
* for the given SQLID.
* 3- It appends the current node's potential problems to the SQLID problems only if the SQL is
* visitor.sqlIsDsOrRDD is False. Otherwise, it is kind of redundant to keep checking for
* potential problems for every node when they get to be ignored.
* visitor.sqlIsDsOrRDD is False. Otherwise, it is kind of redundant to keep checking for
* potential problems for every node when they get to be ignored.
* It has the following effect on the app object:
* 1- it updates dataSourceInfo with V2 and V1 data sources
* 2- it updates sqlIDtoProblematic the map between SQL ID and potential problems
* @param visitor the visitor context defined per SQLPlan
* @param node the node being currently visited.
* @param node the node being currently visited.
protected def visitNode(visitor: SQLPlanVisitorContext,
node: SparkPlanGraphNode): Unit = {
Expand All @@ -161,7 +163,7 @@ class AppSQLPlanAnalyzer(app: AppBase, appIndex: Int) extends AppAnalysisBase(ap
if (nodeIsDsOrRDD) {
// we want to report every node that is an RDD
val thisPlan = UnsupportedSQLPlan(visitor.sqlPIGEntry.sqlID,,, node.desc,
"Contains Dataset or RDD")
"Contains Dataset or RDD")
unsupportedSQLPlan += thisPlan
// If one node is RDD, the Sql should be set too
if (!visitor.sqlIsDsOrRDD) { // We need to set the flag only once for the given sqlID
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,23 +326,46 @@ class AppSQLPlanAnalyzer(app: AppBase, appIndex: Int) extends AppAnalysisBase(ap
* @return a sequence of AccumProfileResults
def generateStageLevelAccums(): Seq[AccumProfileResults] = { accumMapEntry => {
def computeStatistics(taskUpdates: Seq[Long]): Option[StatisticsMetrics] = {
if (taskUpdates.isEmpty) {
} else {
val min = taskUpdates.min
val max = taskUpdates.max
val sum = taskUpdates.sum
val median = if (taskUpdates.size % 2 == 0) {
val mid = taskUpdates.size / 2
(taskUpdates(mid) + taskUpdates(mid - 1)) / 2
} else {
taskUpdates(taskUpdates.size / 2)
Some(StatisticsMetrics(min, median, max, sum))

app.accumManager.accumInfoMap.flatMap{ accumMapEntry =>
val accumId = accumMapEntry._1
val accumInfo = accumMapEntry._2
val accumStats = app.accumManager.calculateAccStats(accumId)
.getOrElse(StatisticsMetrics(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L))
appIndex = appIndex,
stageId = accumInfo.stageValuesMap.keySet.head.toString,
accumulatorId = accumId,
name =,
min = accumStats.min,
median =,
max = accumStats.max,
total =
accumInfo.stageValuesMap.keySet.flatMap( stageId => {
val tasks = app.taskManager.getAllTasksStageAttempt(stageId)
val taskUpdatesSorted = task => {
accumInfo.taskUpdatesMap.getOrElse(task.taskId, 0L)
computeStatistics(taskUpdatesSorted).map { stats =>
min = stats.min,
median =,
max = stats.max,
total =

object AppSQLPlanAnalyzer {
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Expand Up @@ -721,11 +721,31 @@ class AutoTuner(

// if the user set the serializer to use Kryo, make sure we recommend using the GPU version
// of it.
def recommendKryoSerializerSetting(): Unit = {
getPropertyValue("spark.serializer") match {
case Some(f) if f.contains("org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer") =>
val existingRegistrars = getPropertyValue("spark.kryo.registrator")
val regToUse = if (existingRegistrars.isDefined && !existingRegistrars.get.isEmpty) {
// spark.kryo.registrator is a comma separated list. If the user set some then
// we need to append our GpuKryoRegistrator to ones they specified.
existingRegistrars.get + ",com.nvidia.spark.rapids.GpuKryoRegistrator"
} else {
appendRecommendation("spark.kryo.registrator", regToUse)
case None =>
// do nothing

def getShuffleManagerClassName() : Option[String] = { { sparkVersion =>
val shuffleManagerVersion = sparkVersion.filterNot("().".toSet)
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Expand Up @@ -219,18 +219,18 @@ case class SQLAccumProfileResults(appIndex: Int, sqlID: Long, nodeID: Long,

case class AccumProfileResults(appIndex: Int, stageId: String, accumulatorId: Long, name: String,
case class AccumProfileResults(appIndex: Int, stageId: Int, accumulatorId: Long, name: String,
min: Long, median: Long, max: Long, total: Long) extends ProfileResult {
override val outputHeaders = Seq("appIndex", "stageId", "accumulatorId", "name", "min",
"median", "max", "total")

override def convertToSeq: Seq[String] = {
Seq(appIndex.toString, stageId, accumulatorId.toString, name, min.toString, median.toString,
max.toString, total.toString)
Seq(appIndex.toString, stageId.toString, accumulatorId.toString, name, min.toString,
median.toString, max.toString, total.toString)

override def convertToCSVSeq: Seq[String] = {
Seq(appIndex.toString, StringUtils.reformatCSVString(stageId), accumulatorId.toString,
Seq(appIndex.toString, stageId.toString, accumulatorId.toString,
StringUtils.reformatCSVString(name), min.toString, median.toString, max.toString,
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Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ trait AppStageMetricsViewTrait extends ViewableTrait[AccumProfileResults] {

override def sortView(
rows: Seq[AccumProfileResults]): Seq[AccumProfileResults] = {
rows.sortBy(cols => (cols.stageId, cols.appIndex, cols.accumulatorId))
rows.sortBy(cols => (cols.appIndex, cols.stageId, cols.accumulatorId))

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Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class AccumInfo(val infoRef: AccMetaRef) {
def addAccToTask(stageId: Int, taskId: Long, accumulableInfo: AccumulableInfo): Unit = {
val parsedUpdateValue = accumulableInfo.update.flatMap(parseAccumFieldToLong)
// we have to update the stageMap if the stageId does not exist in the map
var updateStageFlag = !stageValuesMap.contains(stageId)
val updateStageFlag = !stageValuesMap.contains(stageId)
// This is for cases where same task updates the same accum multiple times
val existingUpdateValue = taskUpdatesMap.getOrElse(taskId, 0L)
parsedUpdateValue match {
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Expand Up @@ -211,7 +211,9 @@ class ApplicationInfoSuite extends FunSuite with Logging {
val eventLogContent =
"""{"Event":"SparkListenerLogStart","Spark Version":"3.2.1"}
|{"Event":"SparkListenerApplicationStart","App Name":"GPUMetrics", "App ID":"local-16261043003", "Timestamp":123456, "User":"User1"}
|{"Event":"SparkListenerTaskEnd","Stage ID":10,"Stage Attempt ID":0,"Task Type":"ShuffleMapTask","Task End Reason":{"Reason":"Success"},"Task Info":{"Task ID":5073,"Index":5054,"Attempt":0,"Partition ID":5054,"Launch Time":1712248533994,"Executor ID":"100","Host":"","Locality":"PROCESS_LOCAL","Speculative":false,"Getting Result Time":0,"Finish Time":1712253284920,"Failed":false,"Killed":false,"Accumulables":[{"ID":1010,"Name":"gpuSemaphoreWait","Update":"00:00:00.492","Value":"03:13:31.359","Internal":false,"Count Failed Values":true},{"ID":1018,"Name":"gpuSpillToHostTime","Update":"00:00:00.845","Value":"00:29:39.521","Internal":false,"Count Failed Values":true},{"ID":1016,"Name":"gpuSplitAndRetryCount","Update":"1","Value":"2","Internal":false,"Count Failed Values":true}]}}""".stripMargin
|{"Event":"SparkListenerTaskEnd","Stage ID":10,"Stage Attempt ID":0,"Task Type":"ShuffleMapTask","Task End Reason":{"Reason":"Success"},"Task Info":{"Task ID":5073,"Index":5054,"Attempt":0,"Partition ID":5054,"Launch Time":1712248533994,"Executor ID":"100","Host":"","Locality":"PROCESS_LOCAL","Speculative":false,"Getting Result Time":0,"Finish Time":1712253284920,"Failed":false,"Killed":false,"Accumulables":[{"ID":1010,"Name":"gpuSemaphoreWait","Update":"00:00:00.492","Value":"03:13:31.359","Internal":false,"Count Failed Values":true},{"ID":1018,"Name":"gpuSpillToHostTime","Update":"00:00:00.845","Value":"00:29:39.521","Internal":false,"Count Failed Values":true},{"ID":1016,"Name":"gpuSplitAndRetryCount","Update":"1","Value":"2","Internal":false,"Count Failed Values":true}]}}
|{"Event":"SparkListenerTaskEnd","Stage ID":10,"Stage Attempt ID":0,"Task Type":"ShuffleMapTask","Task End Reason":{"Reason":"Success"},"Task Info":{"Task ID":2913,"Index":2894,"Attempt":0,"Partition ID":2894,"Launch Time":1712248532696,"Executor ID":"24","Host":"","Locality":"PROCESS_LOCAL","Speculative":false,"Getting Result Time":0,"Finish Time":1712253285639,"Failed":false,"Killed":false,"Accumulables":[{"ID":1010,"Name":"gpuSemaphoreWait","Update":"00:00:00.758","Value":"03:13:32.117","Internal":false,"Count Failed Values":true},{"ID":1015,"Name":"gpuReadSpillFromDiskTime","Update":"00:00:02.599","Value":"00:33:37.153","Internal":false,"Count Failed Values":true},{"ID":1018,"Name":"gpuSpillToHostTime","Update":"00:00:00.845","Value":"00:29:39.521","Internal":false,"Count Failed Values":true}]}}
|{"Event":"SparkListenerTaskEnd","Stage ID":11,"Stage Attempt ID":0,"Task Type":"ShuffleMapTask","Task End Reason":{"Reason":"Success"},"Task Info":{"Task ID":2045,"Index":2026,"Attempt":0,"Partition ID":2026,"Launch Time":1712248530708,"Executor ID":"84","Host":"","Locality":"PROCESS_LOCAL","Speculative":false,"Getting Result Time":0,"Finish Time":1712253285667,"Failed":false,"Killed":false,"Accumulables":[{"ID":1010,"Name":"gpuSemaphoreWait","Update":"00:00:00.003","Value":"03:13:32.120","Internal":false,"Count Failed Values":true},{"ID":1015,"Name":"gpuReadSpillFromDiskTime","Update":"00:00:00.955","Value":"00:33:38.108","Internal":false,"Count Failed Values":true}]}}""".stripMargin
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
Files.write(eventLogFilePath, eventLogContent.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))

Expand All @@ -236,12 +238,15 @@ class ApplicationInfoSuite extends FunSuite with Logging {
assert(apps.size == 1)

val collect = new CollectInformation(apps)
val gpuMetrics = collect.getStageLevelMetrics

// Sample eventlog has 3 gpu metrics, gpuSemaphoreWait,
// gpuSpillToHostTime, gpuSplitAndRetryCount
assert(gpuMetrics.size == 3)
val gpuSemaphoreWait = gpuMetrics.find( == "gpuSemaphoreWait")
val stageLevelResults = collect.getStageLevelMetrics

// Sample eventlog has 4 gpu metrics - gpuSemaphoreWait, gpuReadSpillFromDiskTime
// gpuSpillToHostTime, gpuSplitAndRetryCount. But gpuSemaphoreWait and
// gpuReadSpillFromDiskTime metrics are updated in 2 stages(stage 10 and 11).
// So the result will have 6 rows in total since we are reporting stage level metrics.
assert(stageLevelResults.size == 6)
// gpu metrics
val gpuSemaphoreWait = stageLevelResults.find( == "gpuSemaphoreWait")
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