Provides Parallels Desktop support for Laravel Homestead development environment.
I used official versions of Homestead for my boxes for convenience.
This is the way i install Homestead on my mac:
I prefer to install php using Homebrew. Follow instructions
to install brew and execute brew install homebrew/php/php70
Also you may need to add php7 to executable path: add export PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/php70/PHP-VERSION/bin:$PATH
to your ~/.bash_profile
After this step php --version
should display that php 7.0 is installed.
Follow instructions to download composer.phar to
current directory and move it to appropriate folder:
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
After this step you should have composer
command available.
To create Homestead environment for your projects you will need command-line.
To install it execute composer global require laravel/homestead
Also you may need to add ~/.composer/vendor/bin
to your PATH
: export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH
After this step you should have homestead
command available.
To use Homestead environment, you should make it. cd
to your project directory
and execute homestead make
(use homestead help make
to list them).
Then you need to update following values in Homestead.yaml
box: alvassin/homestead-parallels
provider: parallels
Finally, you are ready to use homestead.
Run VM using vagrant up --provider parallels
from your application directory.
You can find pre-built boxes at Hashicorp website . To use pre-built box, run:
vagrant init alvassin/homestead-parallels;
If you want to build Homestead Vagrant box yourself, perform following commands:
git clone
cd homestead-parallels-settler