This repo is dedicated to building custom OpenWRT firmware for Rita routers. Similar to LibreMesh's Lime-SDK or SudoMesh's SudoWRT firmware builder. All of these perform much the same function, maintaining a series of config files, patches, and packages to insert into a OpenWRT firmware image.
The Rita firmware builder deviates from existing efforts with a heavy reliance on Ansible instead of bash. This creates a pretty readable workflow and makes it very easy to apply delta changes onto a modified build directory. Allowing a dramatic reduction in build time as well as very flexible build options.
If you are a Rita user, talk to your local network operator or buy a pre-flashed device. This page is for advanced users and network operators
If you are an advanced user or a network operator yes, this is where you get the firmware images to install Rita on routers. For supported devices we have special supported images, these firmware images send some non-identifying data such as bug reports, crashes, and mesh status logs to Althea.
Please see the flashing and what do I do now? sections for details on what to expect flashing and using a firmware.
These devices recieve first class citizen testing and support
Hardware Config | Target Name | Full model name | Price | Features/Comments | Flashing Difficulty | Buy Link | Latest Release Firmware Download | Latest Release Plus Remote Monitoring/Support Firmware Download | OpenWRT Wiki / Flashing Instructions | Special Firmware to escape factory stock |
x86_64 | x86_64 | Any 64 bit x86 processor | varies | Essentially any desktop or laptop | Moderate, USB | N/A | link | link | Unzip, write to flash drive, boot from flash drive | N/A |
mikrotik_hap-ac2 | ipq40xx | Mikrotik HAP-AC2 | $70 new | AC wifi, 200mbps perf | Moderate, TFTP | Amazon, Baltic | link | link | Same as OpenWRT | link |
glb1300 | ipq40xx | GL.iNet GL-B1300 | $90 new | AC wifi, 200mbps perf, easy to find | Easy, webpage | Amazon | link | link | link | N/A |
ea6350v3 | ipq40xx | Linksys EA 6350 v3 | $70-100 new | AC wifi, 200mbps perf | Easy, webpage, hard to find | Amazon | link | link | link very similar | N/A |
mr8300 | ipq40xx | Linksys MR 8300 | $140 new | 250mbps, solid construction | Easy, webpage | Amazon, Linksys, Best Buy, B&H, Staples | link | link | similar to OpenWRT go to login with admin:admin | link |
wrt3200acm | mvebu | Linksys WRT 3200 ACM | $205 new | Fast (500mbps), solid construction | Easy, webpage | Amazon, B&H | link | link | link | link |
wrt32x | mvebu | Linksys WRT 32x | $290 new | Fast (500mbps), solid construction | Easy, webpage | Amazon, Walmart, newegg | link | link | link | link |
pi4-64 | bcm2711 | Raspberry PI 4 B | $35 new | good to start with | Moderate, USB | Adafruit | link | link | Unzip, write to sd card, insert into pi and boot | N/A |
nanopi-r2s | rockchip | FriendlyElec NanoPi R2S | $55 new | 500mbps perf | Moderate, SD card | China | link | link | Gunzip, flash to class10 SD (more info) | N/A |
edgerouter-x | ramips | Ubiquiti Edgerouter X | $59 new | 150mbps, no wifi, many ports | Hard, CLI, SSH | Amazon, UI | link | link | guide, link | link |
edgerouter-x-sfp | ramips | Ubiquiti Edgerouter X SFP | $99 new | 150mbps, no wifi, many ports | Hard, CLI, SSH | Amazon, UI | link | link | guide, link | link |
These devices have hardware profies and are confirmed to have worked at least once. But they may or may not work now.
The mips64 targets won't work without a special Rust target see this error
Hardware Config | Target Name | Full model name | Price | Features/Comments | Flashing Difficulty | Buy Link | Latest Release Download | OpenWRT Wiki / Flashing Instructions | Special Firmware to escape stock |
aircube | ath79 | Ubiquiti airCube ISP | $30 new | Slow CPU 20mbps max, flexible | Moderate, webpage | Ubiquiti | link | link | intermediary link |
aclite | ar71xx | UniFi AP AC LITE | $85 new | great for clients not for much else | Hard, ssh | Amazon | link | link | N/A |
edgerouterlite | octeon | Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite | $95 new | HW acceleration not enabled 50mbps | Medium, drive image | Amazon | link | link | N/A |
n750 | ar71xx | WD My Net N750 Model: C3 | $30 new | Slow CPU 30mbps max, good for dev | Easy, webpage | Rakuten | link | link | link |
tplinkc7v2 | ar71xx | TP Link Archer C7 V2 | $85 new | great wifi range, slow cpu | Easy, webpage | Ebay | link | link | N/A |
ea3500 | kirkwood | Linksys ea3500 'audi' | $30 refurb | Low ram, may or may not work now | Moderate, webpage | Amazon | link | link | intermediary link |
ea7300v2 | ramips | Linksys EA 7300 v2 | $80-130 new | AC wifi, 120mbps perf, easy to find | Easy, webpage | Amazon, Linksys | link | link | link very similar |
ea7500v2 | ramips | Linksys EA 7500 v2 | unavailable | AC wifi, 200mbps perf, easy to find | Easy, webpage | Amazon | link | link | link very similar |
wrt1900acs | mvebu | Linksys WRT 1900 ACS | $180 new | Fast (430mbps), solid construction | Easy, webpage | Amazon, B&H | link | link | link |
pi2 | brcm2708 | Raspberry PI 2B/3B/+ | $35 new | good to start with | Moderate, USB | Amazon | link | Unzip, write to sd card, insert into pi and boot | N/A |
pi3-64 | brcm2710 | Raspberry PI 3B+ | $35 new | good to start with | Moderate, USB | Amazon | link | Unzip, write to sd card, insert into pi and boot | N/A |
x86 | i386_pentium4 | Any 32 bit x86 processor | varies | Essentially old desktops or laptops | Moderate, USB | N/A | link | Unzip, write to flash drive, boot from flash drive | N/A |
tplinka6v3 | ramips | TP-Link Archer A6 V3 | $50 new | AC wifi, 120mbps perf, easy to find | Easy, webpage | Amazon, B&H, newegg | link | link | TODO |
linksys_e5600 | ramips | Linksys E5600 | $50 new | AC wifi, 120mbps perf, easy to find | Easy, webpage | Amazon, Linksys, Walmart | link | link | TODO |
First off you need a Linux machine with at least 15gb of free disk space, 4gb of free ram and Ansible >=2.5.
On Ubuntu < 18.04 and Debian:
curl -o
pip install --user ansible
On Ubuntu >= 18.04:
sudo apt-get install ansible
On Fedora:
sudo dnf install ansible
On Centos and RHEL:
sudo yum install ansible
Once you have Ansible you can use it to manage the rest of the dependencies:
git clone
cd rita-firmware
ansible-playbook first-time-setup.yml -bK
Type in your password to give Ansible permissions to install the required packages. This will also install Rust and add it to your PATH in your bashrc.
If you have a nonstandard setup, or just don't trust Ansible with root you may want to install dependencies manually using these commands.
sudo apt-get install build-essential libncurses5-dev gawk git subversion libssl-dev gettext unzip zlib1g-dev file python systemtap-sdt-dev npm time curl which ansible rsync
sudo apt-get install build-essential subversion libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev gawk gcc-multilib flex git-core gettext libssl-dev unzip systemtap-sdt-dev npm time curl which ansible rsync
sudo yum install subversion binutils bzip2 gcc gcc-c++ gawk gettext flex ncurses-devel zlib-devel make patch unzip perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker glibc glibc-devel quilt ncurses-libs sed intltool bison wget git-core openssl-devel xz systemtap-sdt-devel npm time curl which ansible rsync genisoimage qemu-img
sudo dnf install subversion binutils bzip2 gcc gcc-c++ gawk gettext git-core flex ncurses-devel ncurses-compat-libs zlib-devel zlib-static make patch unzip perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker perl-Thread-Queue glibc glibc-devel glibc-static quilt sed sdcc intltool sharutils bison wget openssl-devel systemtap-sdt-devel npm time curl which ansible rsync genisoimage qemu-img perl-FindBin
sudo pacman -S subversion binutils bzip2 gcc gcc-libs gawk gettext git flex ncurses zlib automake patch unzip perl glibc quilt sed sdcc intltool sharutils bison wget openssl systemtap npm time curl which ansible rsync
You can then install Yarn using npm
sudo npm -g install yarn
Finally install Rust
curl -sSf | sh
Follow the onscreen instructions. Then add Rustup to your PATH. For a default install:
export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
If there is an existing device profile building the firmware should be pretty simple. See the table at the top of the file for hardware config names.
To simplify the process of building and configuring the firmware we use
variable files in the profiles/
directory. These are split into management
and device categories. One set contains hardware specific variables for supported
routers the other set contain administrator preferences. These are not meant to
be taken as gospel, for example if you wanted to have mesh on one of the wireless
radios you could edit the device profile. Or if you wanted to insert your own ssh
key every time you would edit a management profile (the keys_to_insert
If you'd like to temporarily overwrite a profile's SSH key list, add
-e keys_to_insert="['$(cat <keyfile1>)', '$(cat <keyfile2)', ...]"
to your
command line when using one of the build*
playbooks. Most users might want
to set it to -e keys_to_insert=['$(cat ~/.ssh/']
By default most devices come with all mesh ports and a single lan port, or in cases like the Raspberry pi where only a single port is available they will have that port assigned as mesh and wifi assigned as the only way to access LAN.
Port assignment can be changed live once the router is built. But it does take some time. If you want a device to have a gateway port by default for example you can simply move a given interface from mesh interfaces into the wan interface slot.
All versions of the firmware will connect to a user defined 'exit server' and create a secure Wireguard tunnel over which to route traffic.
To build the firmware for your device run, replacing '<Hardware Config>' with the value from the table above and '<Management Profile>' with a profile that has been customized to your needs:
ansible-playbook firmware-build.yml -e @profiles/devices/<Hardware Config>.yml -e@profiles/management/<Management Profile>.yml
This will take a long time, especially the first run. Nearly an hour on a fast machine and several on a slower one. After the first run things should be much faster due to cached builds. On the order of 5-10 minutes.
If you need to build for another target, just run again with a different profile parameter. The build script will always handle cleanup and updating the source code.
When finished building your firmware images will be located in
althea-firmware/build/bin/targets/<Target Name>/generic/
. You are looking
for a file named openwrt-...-\<Router name\>-squashfs-factory.bin
the same start with sysupgrade.bin
on the end. For a lot of models it doesn't
matter if you use the factory or sysupgrade firmware, but for some
(the EdgerouterX for example) it does. See the 'Special firmware to escape stock'
column in the above device support table. If it says intermediary
then you
need to use this factory firmware as a middle step to get to Althea, if the
firmware to escape stock is marked as full
then it's a full Althea image and
you can just use that.
In general consult the OpenWRT wiki link next to each supported device above. Flashing instructions will be available there with known device specific caveats laid out. Everything is a little bit different, but usually not too complicated.
Once your device is running OpenWRT (any version Althea or not) you no longer need
to follow the factory firmware method, even though it may still be available
(for example a recovery mode), you can simply scp the firmware file to the /tmp/
directory and run sysupgrade -v -n /tmp/<firmware>
If you have already flashed a device and want to do some rapid iteration testing
I suggest using the build-and-upgrade.yml
playbook. It will ssh into the default
router ip and use the appropriate sysupgrade image. Automated flashing from a factory
stock device can be done from build-and-factory.yml
but only supports devices with
emergency room based recovery modes. So the n600, n750, and dir860l.
Follow the debugging instructions provided by the build playbook. That should give you a proper error message. Drop by our discord and let us know what happened. We'll be happy to help out.
You might clean the build folder if you've made any changes and are starting over.
Making a hardware config is a somewhat involved proccess. If you can read and understand the OpenWRT build system documentation you should be able to manage it.
The core of the concept is that files in the 'files' folder during firmware build will get inserted into the root filesystem of the resulting firmware. Combined with the Make config called a 'diffcofig' setting up the appropriate file is the bulk of the work done by the Althea firmware builder.
To add support for a device download the OpenWRT repository and run make menuconfig
select your target device as well as Althea's required packages. Wireguard (the metapackage)
, ipset, althea-rust-binaries, althea-babeld, and luci (also the metapackage).
Then run make -j <num cores>
to build the firmware, this will take a while. When it's finished flash the resulting image.
Login via ssh and copy /etc/config/network
, you will edit these files into Althea templates that
will reside in roles/build-config/templates
. Look in that folder for existing examples. The requirements
are pretty simple, gateway mode has at least one dhcp wan port, every device must have at least
one 'LAN' port if possible. To simplify debugging.
The final piece of the picture is in profiles/devices/<devicename>.yml
you need to edit
this with a list of proper interface names, target data and other fields that will be used
to template not only the network and wireless configs, but also the firewall and ssh config.
After testing that you can make a pull request against our repo to merge your new device support.
If you would like to request support for specific hardware drop by our Matrix channel and let us know. We'll do our best to add support.
For typical use cases see the Setting up your Rita router guide.
If you would like to do techncial debugging here are some tips and tricks.
You can ssh into the rotuer using ssh root@
from the lan port of the WiFi networks.
This connection is passwordless and I strongly suggest running passwd
and setting a proper password if you plan to use the device for a while.
Once logged into ssh, run the top
command and look for a process called rita
this is our primary network and payment daemon. If it's crashed
you can try to restart it with service rita start
(there will be a 30 wait period on startup). If it crashes again after checking top you can
use this debugging trick to get a stack trace.
ssh root@ RUST_BACKTRACE=full RUST_LOG=trace rita --config=/etc/rita.toml --platform=linux &> out.log
What this line does is execude Rita as a one off command over ssh, allow the logging output to be redirected into a local file on your computer for easy inspection.
If Rita is running properly but you can't see any peers on the dashboard (see the setup guide above) then run the command wg
you should
see at least one active tunnel or several if you have a connection plugged into the WAN port. If you don't you should either debug your
WAN connection or your mesh neighbors router respectively.
Babel, and by extension Rita works by building a L3 network out of L2 links, 'mesh ports' on your router will have any link plugged into them search for peers and connect. For example if you simply use an ethernet cable to link the mesh ports of a set of routers they will connect to each other and pass connections between each other.
In a real network point to point wireless links will be used. You can find instructions on how to both select radios and set them up in the Rita network getting started guide
While point to point links are insurmountably superior to meshing with the built in device radios there may be some situations
where you may want to do that for a hop or two to reduce the number of point to point links or otherwise make life easier.
In that case you'll need to ssh in and edit /etc/config/wireless
and enable the AltheaMesh
SSID by flipping enabled
form 0
to 1
followed by wifi restart
We may switch the firmwares to meshing on built in wifi by default if there's a larger demand for that.
An Rita Exit server is essentially a WireGuard proxy server setup to integrate with the mesh network.
Copy the file profiles/exit/config-example.yml
to profiles/exit/config.yml
and modify it as needed.
There's a lot of data that goes into the config file for an exit.
If you configure your gateway with a url containing multiple DNS entires for each server Althea clients will automatically connect and failover.
If you don't want to run multiple servers simply remove that line.
Next are authentication settings, we've included blank SMTP mail auth settings. If you leave mailer
you can fill out those details and have the exit send users emails to authorize. If you turn
mailer to false
it will disable authentication of new users.
If you set phone
to true
and include phone_auth_api_key
, twillio_account_id
and twillio_auth_token
, it will send an auth code from send_number
Finally you need to generate another set of keys and uncomment the appropriate blockchain full nodes and settings. You must also select an arbitrary valid ipv6 address out of the fd00::/8 range
When setting up a new postgres database you'll need to run the migrations here
Installing and running PostgreSQL is a large topic not fully described here. A simple TLDR to install locally on Fedora:
sudo dnf install postgresql-server
sudo /usr/bin/postgresql-setup --initdb
sudo systemctl enable postgresql.service
sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
sudo su - postgres
psql postgres
postgres=# create database exitdb;
postgres=# create user exituser with encrypted password 'exitpassword';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database exitdb to exituser;
postgres=# exit
nano data/pg_hba.conf
# make sure the following lines end with 'trust' or 'md5'
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all trust
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all trust
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 trust
# now you should be able to do:
psql "postgresql://exituser:exitpassword@localhost/exitdb"
Assuming you have PostgreSQL running and a database URL, proceed:
# install rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
# you may need to install additional dependencies
# fedora
sudo dnf install libpq-devel community-mysql-devel
# install diesel
cargo install diesel_cli
# clone althea_rs
git clone
# run the migrations
cd althea_rs/exit_db
diesel migration run --database-url=""
Now that everything is finally configured you can run ansible to build your exit server image
ansible-playbook -e @profiles/devices/x86_64.yml -e @profiles/management/althea-managed.yml -e @profiles/exit/config-example.yml firmware-build.yml
Currently we ship exits as part of the default config file in the firmware but that's hardly the only way to configure one.
You can manually edit the /etc/rita.toml file on a client and paste in a block like this
registration_port = 4875
description = "The Althea testing exit cluster. Unstable!"
state = "New"
mesh_ip = "fd00::1337:1e0f"
eth_address = "0x5aee3dff733f56cfe7e5390b9cc3a46a90ca1cfa"
wg_public_key = "zgAlhyOQy8crB0ewrsWt3ES9SvFguwx5mq9i2KiknmA="
Replace the eth address with the public address of the private key you configured in the exit hosts file and the public key should be the value of the wg_exit_public_key
likewise mesh_ip
is the value of exit_mesh_ip
as configured above. The description is arbitrary so put whatever you like.
You can also use curl to directly insert a new exit
curl -vv -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d
"test_exit": {
"id": {
"mesh_ip": "fd00::1337:e4f",
"eth_address": "0xe4ad1f9aa23957d294d869b70fc8f28774df896e",
"wg_public_key": "1kKSpzdhI4kfqeMqch9I1bXqOUXeKN7EQBecVzW60ys=",
"registration_port": 4875,
"description": "An arbitrary testing exit",
"state": "New",
Or even direct curl to a remote list of exits over https. This will load a file from the destination and extract a Json formatted list of exits (see the formatting of the previous request as an example).
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '\{"url": ""\}