Dashboard for viewing live data, as it is collected and published to a bluesky-compatible event stream. Includes an API for notifying the viewer when new data stream and data sream events are available.
In this proof-of-concept example, live data is emulated by replaying a data stream from a databroker instance. The data is streamed to a publisher object that can be registered as a callback to a bluesky RunEngine instance. The publisher makes calls to the Dichroview API to notofify the dashboard viewer that data is available for display.
This project brings together a number of notable features:
- In-the-browser visualization of a "live" data stream
- Uses plotly dash for rapid prototyping and customization
- Same experience for on-site and remote beamline users
- Web-based API for push-based data stream notifications
- Websockets for subscribing multiple viewer clients
- Push notifications go to all subscribers
- Data stream publisher that can be registered as a callback to a bluesky RunEngine
The data from this example is a series of XMCD spectra collected at ALS Beamline 4.0.2 (XMCD = x-ray magnetic circular dichroism).
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/als-computing/dichroview.git
Create an isolated environment
conda env create --file environment.yml
Copy 'catalogs.yml' to the path where 'intake' looks for catalogs
cp catalogs.yml ~/opt/miniconda3/envs/dash_fastapi_2/share/intake/
Set up the needed ENVironment VARiables
DATABROKER_MONGO_HOST=<HOST-NAME-OR-IP>:<27017 or PORT> DATABROKER_MONGO_USER=<User with read access to Mongo db> DATABROKER_MONGO_PASSWORD=<Password for MONGO_USER> DEBUG=False # or True for debug mode
Start the DichroView server
uvicorn dichroview:app --port 8003 # or get the same result by running the 'dichroview' script python dichroview.py
Open a DichroView client in one or more browsers
URL --
Start the data stream
python newest_run.py
Watch data being broadcast to each client
- If data does not display correctly, it might be because events are being streamed too quickly for the dichroview server to keep up. Try reducing the rate of the data stream.
- In 'newest_run.py': Increase the delay time used by the
object that publishes data to the API.
# Default delay value is 0.1 sec. send_to_api = ApiDelayedCallback(port=8003, delay=0.1) # Increase the delay value to 0.2 sec. send_to_api = ApiDelayedCallback(port=8003, delay=0.2)
This video shows two browser tabs, each running a DichroView client, as data is streamed from a separate process.