PHP CLI tool which allows publishing zipped MODX extra to marketplace.
- Add symfony application and CLI component
- Add binary to easy run of tool
- Convert existing script to the proper class (or command)
- Make possible to configure it by params and options
- Make interactive mode when no options provided
- Write explicit documentation about usage in
- Write a post on blog about idea and usage cases
- Make possible in interactive mode select extras from the list
- Fill contribution document for people who want improove the tool
- Split uploading and login to different service
global? local?
To install package need to run composer require 'alroniks/modstore-publisher'
PHP 8.0 or above, because it uses modern libraries and approaches with support of Attributes
Описать все параметры
Описать как работает и показатьт примеры
Как можно внести вклад?
Please send any sensitive issue to Thanks!
- Ivan Klimchuk | GitHub | Twitter | |
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
MODX Extra Publisher is licensed under the MIT License – see the LICENSE file for details.