This repository is an example of training repository which integrate with WandB for login. This repo use dataset which is iris.csv also being used from this repository Please install poetry to install all the dependencies
How to use :
- Install dependencies
poetry install
- Login to wandb
poetry run wandb login
- Run the script, notes that the
default is refer to another repository dir mentioned above in writer local system
poetry run python example_wandb_trainer/ --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
--dataset-path TEXT Path to iris csv dataset [default:
--wandb-entity TEXT WandB user profile [required]
--experiment-type [svc|decision_tree]
Experiment model type [required]
poetry run python example_wandb_trainer/ --wandb-entity alvin-prayuda --experiment-type svc
Example output:
wandb: Synced svc:
wandb: Synced 5 W&B file(s), 5 media file(s), 5 artifact file(s) and 1 other file(s)
wandb: Find logs at: ./wandb/run-20220322_165209-173aitq9/logs
- The dumped model will be available at
directory on your local working directory