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A web application that provides a LLM powered chat experience based on GOV.UK content.


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A web application that provides a LLM powered chat experience based on GOV.UK content. Initially launched as a beta with limited user access.


  • Question - an individual query from an end user
  • Answer - a LLM generated response to a user's question
  • Source - a reference to a chunk of GOV.UK content that was used as the supporting content for an Answer
  • Conversation - a collection of questions and answers that represent a user's particular interaction with this application
  • Chunk - a portion of a GOV.UK Content Item, which tends to be of the granularity of a particular heading and related content
  • Early access user - a user that has access to use chat during the beta
  • Waiting list user - a user that can't authenticate to the system and is waiting to be promoted to an Early access user
  • Admin user - a user, authenticated by signon, that can administer chat
  • Instant access places - the number of available slots for users to register as Early access users
  • Delayed access places - the number of available slots for waiting list users to be promoted to Early access users

Technical documentation

This is a Ruby on Rails app, and should follow our Rails app conventions.

You can use the GOV.UK Docker environment to run the application and its tests with all the necessary dependencies. Follow the usage instructions to get started.

Before running the app

Copy the .env.example file to .env and ask a team member for the values to use.

cp .env.example .env

Installing dependencies

GOV.UK Chat uses the govuk_chat_private gem to provide some configuration files. This gem is hosted on a private Github repo, so it needs authentication to install it.

Generate a personal access token (PAT) on Github here. Scope the token to only allow access to the govuk_chat_private repo. Under the "Repository permissions" section, select "read only" under the "Contents" section.

Configure Bundler to use the PAT:

bundle config --local <token>

You can then install the dependencies like normal.


Running the test suite

bundle exec rake

Or can be run in govuk-docker with:

govuk-docker run govuk-chat-lite bundle exec rake

Starting the app

To start the app in govuk-docker from your local machine:

bin/setup --govuk-docker

If you're not using govuk-docker you can run:


Further documentation


MIT License