This repository includes the implmentation of
- clang++ from the OpenSilk project
Clone the library with submodule
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd Parallel-SSSP/
Alternatively, you can first clone it and add the submodule
git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd Parallel-SSSP/
A makefile is given in the repository, you can compile the code by:
./sssp [-i input_file] [-p parameter] [-w] [-s] [-v] [-a algorithm]
- -i input file path
- -p parameter(e.g. delta, rho)
- -w weighted input graph
- -s symmetrized input graph
- -v verify result
- -a algorithm: [rho-stepping] [delta-stepping] [bellman-ford]
- -r number of rounds per source
- -n number of different sources per graph
For example, if you want to run
./sssp -i INPUT_NAME -p 2000000 -w -s -v -a rho-stepping
The application can auto-detect the format of the input graph based on the suffix of the filename. Here is a list of supported graph formats:
The binary graph format from GBBS..adj
The adjacency graph format from Problem Based Benchmark suite..wsg
The weighted serialized pre-built graph format from
The galois graph file from Galois.
Some unweighted binary graphs can be found in our Google Drive. For storage limit, we don't provide the large graphs used in our paper. They can be found in Stanford Network Analysis Project and Web Data Commons.
X. Dong, Y. Gu, Y. Sun, and Y. Zhang. Efficient Stepping Algorithms and Implementations for Parallel Shortest Paths. In ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), 2021.
X. Dong, Y. Gu, Y. Sun, and Y. Zhang. Efficient Stepping Algorithms and Implementations for Parallel Shortest Paths. arXiv preprint 2105.06145, 2021.