Seqhelper is a Python framework for sequence labeling, such as Named Entity Recognition, Part of Speech tagging, and so on.
The origin idea is derived from chakki-works/seqeval, but not just for evaluation. I add the machanism to check if tag is available. Also, you can use to generate dataframe for entities.
Now the repo only supports IOB2 scheme. Other scheme will be available in the future.
Get Entities From Nested List
from src.scheme import IOB2
from src.entity import EntityFromNestedList
worker = EntityFromNestedList(input_nested_list, IOB2)
entities = worker.entities ## Tuple[[(pid, type, start_position, end_position, text), ...]]
df = worker.chunks2df() ## Pandas.DataFrame
Get Entities From List
from src.scheme import IOB2
from src.entity import EntityFromList
worker = EntityFromList(input_list, IOB2)
entities = worker.entities
Evaluate for overall performance report
from src.scheme import IOB2
from src.eval import f1_score, precision_score, recall_score
f1 = f1_score(trues, preds, IOB2)
p = precision_score(trues, preds, IOB2)
r = recall_score(trues, preds, IOB2)
Evaluate for classification report
from src.chakki_works.seqeval.v1 import classification_report
print (classification_report(input_nested_list, pred_nested_list, scheme=IOB2))
PYTHONPATH=./ pytest --log-cli-level=warning --cov=./
title={{seqhelper}: A Python framework for sequence labeling},
note={Software available from},
author={Yu-Lun Chiang},