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Openvidu Server

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with openvidu
  3. Usage
  4. Limitations
  5. Development


This module allows you to install Openvidu-server and its dependencies. You will be able to deploy an OpenVidu based video conference server.

For more info on OpenVidu, please refer to the project documents website. This module as loosely based on the "Deploying OpenVidu on Ubuntu" document


What openvidu affects

The following package and dependencies are installed:

  • kurento-media-server
  • coturn
  • redis-server
  • openjdk-8-jre
  • unzip
  • Docker (service is needed for video recording and it is installed)

Beginning with openvidu

To install an openvidu server:

class {'openvidu':
  public_ip          => '',
  network_interfaces => 'eth0',
  secret             => 'MY_SECRET',




  • cdr_enable - Enable/disable CDR logging (boolean). Default to: true.
  • public_ip - The public IP address of your server. No default
  • public_url - The public url address of your server (string). Default is the public ip
  • network_interfaces - The network interfaces listening (csv list). Default 'eth0'
  • docker_repo_install - Control docker installation (true). Use it according yo your needs. Default 'true
  • install_path - The OpenVidu install path (string). Default '/opt/openviduserver'
  • jks_path - Path for using custom JKS certificate
  • jks_alias - Alias for the custom JKSPassword for the custom JKS
  • jks_store_password - Password for the custom JKS
  • kms_repo_install - Control kms repo install (boolean). Default to true
  • openvidu_version - The version of the Kurento-media-server (string). Default '2.12.0'
  • kms_version - The version of the Kurento-media-server (string). Default '6.13.0'
  • kms_uris - KMS URL's to which OpenVidu Server will try to connect. They are tested in order until a valid one is found (array). Default Value ''
  • logfile - The OpenVidu logfile path (string). Default '/var/log/openvidu.log'
  • logfile_error - The OpenVidu error logfile path (string). Default '/var/log/openvidu_error.log'
  • recording - Enable or disable video recording (boolean). Default true
  • recording_autostop - Time in seconds to stop recording a finalized conference (integer). Default '0'
  • recording_path - Path where the video files are recorded (string). Default '/opt/openviduserver/recording'
  • secret - Openvidu APP Secret (string). Default 'MY_SECRET'
  • turnserver_enabled - Enable or disable the included COTURN server
  • webhook - set it to true (boolean) to enable webhook service. Default false
  • webhook_endpoint - configure the HTTP endpoint where OpenVidu Server will send the POST messages with session events. Default 'http://localhost:8080/api/webhook/recordingStatusChanged'
  • webhook_headers - an array of HTTP headers that OpenVidu Server will append to each POST message. Default '["recording-path: /opt/openvidu/recording"]'
  • webhook_events - an array with the type of events you want OpenVidu Server to send to your webhook. Default '["recordingStatusChanged"]'


This module is tested on the following platforms:

  • Ubuntu 18.04


Project URL:

Copyright 2019 Antonio Alisio de Meneses Cordeiro

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.