Solving maze using SARSA and Q learning methods.
based on book:
Reinforcement Learning With Open AI, TensorFlow and Keras Using Python
written by Abhishek Nandy, Manisha Biswas
Required packages:
- numpy
- pandas
- tkinter
- creating universe
- Reinforcement Learning implementation
in each part there are constants that you can change them to see differences
- UNIVERSE: two-d array that map of game is created based on. you can add or delete cells or change their value:(characters are upper case.)
- 'S': starting point
- 'G': destination
- 'W': wall
- '0': empty cell(character is zero)
- Rewards:
- REWARD_GOAL: Reward of reaching the goal
- REWARD_WALL: Reward(punishment) falling into trap. (should be negetive value).
- REWARD_EMPTY: Reward of going into empty cell. (could be negetive or zero)
- ACTION_SPACE: array of available actions(movement directions). you can delete some of them and see changes.
- 'U': Up
- 'R': Right
- 'D': Down
- 'L': Left
- 'UR': Up Right
- 'UL': UP Left
- 'DR': Down Right
- 'DL': Down Left
- 'NO': No Action
- UNIT: width and height of each cell in UI
- UNIVERSE_SLEEP: delay between steps.
- EPSILON: ϵ parameter of ϵ-greedy algorithms. (probability of picking random action in each step).
- GAMMA: discount factor. (should be between 0 and 1, indicate how much we value feature rewards).
- ALPHA: Learning rate.
- EPISODE: number of time that agent plays game for learning.
at the end of the code one add one of these two functions:
: agent will learn and play game using SARSA algorithm.run_with_q_learing()
: agent will learn and play game using Q Learning algorithm.
and then run the code.