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Merge pull request #795 from alicevision/dev_addAVImageViewer
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[ui] Add a new FloatImageViewer
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fabiencastan authored Mar 3, 2020
2 parents 0f2d8ca + a4b42b3 commit b85ff4d
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Showing 4 changed files with 479 additions and 68 deletions.
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions meshroom/ui/qml/Viewer/FloatImage.qml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
import QtQuick 2.11
import Utils 1.0

import AliceVision 1.0 as AliceVision

* FloatImage displays an Image with gamma / offset / channel controls
* Requires QtAliceVision plugin.

AliceVision.FloatImageViewer {
id: root

width: textureSize.width
height: textureSize.height
visible: (status === Image.Ready)

// paintedWidth / paintedHeight / status for compatibility with standard Image
property int paintedWidth: textureSize.width
property int paintedHeight: textureSize.height
property var status: {
return Image.Loading;
else if((root.source === "") ||
(root.sourceSize.height <= 0) ||
(root.sourceSize.height <= 0))
return Image.Null;
return Image.Ready;

property string channelModeString : "rgba"

channelMode: {
case "rgb": return AliceVision.FloatImageViewer.EChannelMode.RGB
case "r": return AliceVision.FloatImageViewer.EChannelMode.R
case "g": return AliceVision.FloatImageViewer.EChannelMode.G
case "b": return AliceVision.FloatImageViewer.EChannelMode.B
case "a": return AliceVision.FloatImageViewer.EChannelMode.A
default: return AliceVision.FloatImageViewer.EChannelMode.RGBA
clearBeforeLoad: true

property alias containsMouse: mouseArea.containsMouse
property alias mouseX: mouseArea.mouseX
property alias mouseY: mouseArea.mouseY
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
237 changes: 237 additions & 0 deletions meshroom/ui/qml/Viewer/ImageToolbar.qml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
import QtQuick 2.11
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import MaterialIcons 2.2
import Controls 1.0

FloatingPane {
id: root
anchors.margins: 0
padding: 5
radius: 0

property real gammaDefaultValue: 1
property real offsetDefaultValue: 0
property real gammaValue: gammaCtrl.value
property real offsetValue: offsetCtrl.value
property string channelModeValue: channelsCtrl.value
property variant colorRGBA: null

background: Rectangle { color: root.palette.window }

DoubleValidator {
id: doubleValidator
locale: 'C' // use '.' decimal separator disregarding of the system locale

RowLayout {
id: toolLayout
// anchors.verticalCenter: parent
anchors.fill: parent

// channel mode
ComboBox {
id: channelsCtrl

// set min size to 4 characters + one margin for the combobox
Layout.minimumWidth: 5.0 * Qt.application.font.pixelSize
Layout.preferredWidth: Layout.minimumWidth
flat: true

property var channels: ["rgba", "rgb", "r", "g", "b","a"]
property string value: channels[currentIndex]

model: channels

// offset slider
RowLayout {
spacing: 5

ToolButton {
text: "Gain"

ToolTip.visible: ToolTip.text && hovered
ToolTip.delay: 100
ToolTip.text: "Reset Gain"

onClicked: {
offsetCtrl.value = offsetDefaultValue;
TextField {
id: offsetLabel

ToolTip.visible: ToolTip.text && hovered
ToolTip.delay: 100
ToolTip.text: "Color Gain (in linear colorspace)"

text: offsetValue.toFixed(2)
Layout.preferredWidth: textMetrics_offsetValue.width
selectByMouse: true
validator: doubleValidator
onAccepted: {
offsetCtrl.value = Number(offsetLabel.text)
Slider {
id: offsetCtrl
Layout.fillWidth: true
from: -1
to: 1
value: 0
stepSize: 0.01

// gamma slider
RowLayout {
spacing: 5

ToolButton {
text: "γ"

ToolTip.visible: ToolTip.text && hovered
ToolTip.delay: 100
ToolTip.text: "Reset Gamma"

onClicked: {
gammaCtrl.value = gammaDefaultValue;
TextField {
id: gammaLabel

ToolTip.visible: ToolTip.text && hovered
ToolTip.delay: 100
ToolTip.text: "Apply Gamma (after Gain and in linear colorspace)"

text: gammaValue.toFixed(2)
Layout.preferredWidth: textMetrics_offsetValue.width
selectByMouse: true
validator: doubleValidator
onAccepted: {
gammaCtrl.value = Number(offsetLabel.text)
Slider {
id: gammaCtrl
Layout.fillWidth: true
from: 0
to: 3
value: 1
stepSize: 0.01

Rectangle {
Layout.preferredWidth: 20
implicitWidth: 20
implicitHeight: parent.height
color: root.colorRGBA ? Qt.rgba(red.value_gamma, green.value_gamma, blue.value_gamma, 1.0) : "black"

// gamma slider
RowLayout {
spacing: 1
TextField {
id: red
property real value: root.colorRGBA ? root.colorRGBA.x : 0.0
property real value_gamma: Math.pow(value, 1.0/2.2)
text: root.colorRGBA ? value.toFixed(6) : "--"

Layout.preferredWidth: textMetrics_colorValue.width
selectByMouse: true
validator: doubleValidator
horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignLeft
readOnly: true
// autoScroll: When the text is too long, display the left part
// (with the most important values and cut the floating point details)
autoScroll: false

Rectangle {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.bottom
width: parent.width
height: 3
color: Qt.rgba(red.value_gamma, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
TextField {
id: green
property real value: root.colorRGBA ? root.colorRGBA.y : 0.0
property real value_gamma: Math.pow(value, 1.0/2.2)
text: root.colorRGBA ? value.toFixed(6) : "--"

Layout.preferredWidth: textMetrics_colorValue.width
selectByMouse: true
validator: doubleValidator
horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignLeft
readOnly: true
// autoScroll: When the text is too long, display the left part
// (with the most important values and cut the floating point details)
autoScroll: false

Rectangle {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.bottom
width: parent.width
height: 3
color: Qt.rgba(0.0, green.value_gamma, 0.0, 1.0)
TextField {
id: blue
property real value: root.colorRGBA ? root.colorRGBA.z : 0.0
property real value_gamma: Math.pow(value, 1.0/2.2)
text: root.colorRGBA ? value.toFixed(6) : "--"

Layout.preferredWidth: textMetrics_colorValue.width
selectByMouse: true
validator: doubleValidator
horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignLeft
readOnly: true
// autoScroll: When the text is too long, display the left part
// (with the most important values and cut the floating point details)
autoScroll: false

Rectangle {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.bottom
width: parent.width
height: 3
color: Qt.rgba(0.0, 0.0, blue.value_gamma, 1.0)
TextField {
id: alpha
property real value: root.colorRGBA ? root.colorRGBA.w : 0.0
property real value_gamma: Math.pow(value, 1.0/2.2)
text: root.colorRGBA ? value.toFixed(6) : "--"

Layout.preferredWidth: textMetrics_colorValue.width
selectByMouse: true
validator: doubleValidator
horizontalAlignment: TextInput.AlignLeft
readOnly: true
// autoScroll: When the text is too long, display the left part
// (with the most important values and cut the floating point details)
autoScroll: false

Rectangle {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.bottom
width: parent.width
height: 3
color: Qt.rgba(alpha.value_gamma, alpha.value_gamma, alpha.value_gamma, 1.0)
TextMetrics {
id: textMetrics_colorValue
font: red.font
text: "1.2345" // use one more than expected to get the correct value (probably needed due to TextField margin)
TextMetrics {
id: textMetrics_offsetValue
font: offsetLabel.font
text: "-10.01"

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