My solutions to IUST's Principles of Computational Intelligence assignments, Spring 2021, Dr. Mozayani
- A1
- Perceptron with NumPy
- Binary classification with NumPy
- Madaline
- MLP classifier on MNIST with Keras
- MLP classifier on MNIST back-propagation with NumPy
- A2
- Kohonen Self Organizing Map (SOM) implementation with NumPy to cluster RGB colors
- Distortion on SOM
- MLP sin function approximation with Keras
- Radial Basis Function (RBF) approximation with NumPy
- K-means clustering
- MLP vs. RBF
- A3
- Hopfield network for pattern recognition with NumPy
- Hopfield network for noise removal on images with NumPy
- Design Fuzzy controller
- Fuzzy controller implementation for inverted pendulum
- A4
- Genetic algorithm implementation for solving travelling salesman problem [Python]
- Genetic algorithm implementation for finding roots of a polynomial equation [Python]