This repository contains the Avro core extracted from the HDInsight SDK and ported to the .NET Standard API on the .NET Core 2.0 runtime. It was last tested against the 2.0.0-preview2-005858 version of the .NET Core tools and runtime.
- Windows OS including Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016.
- .NET Cli tools:
You will need to build at the command line using the .NET Core SDK tools (dotnet) since building in Visual Studio 2017 is not yet supported. However, the solution can be opened in Visual Studio 2017. .NET Core applications will run on both Windows and Linux.
dotnet clean MicrosoftAvro.sln
dotnet restore MicrosoftAvro.sln
dotnet build -c Relase/Debug MicrosoftAvro.sln
cleans any previously built binaryrestore
restores nuget dependenciesbuild
builds the solution
To build nuget packages, type the following:
dotnet pack MicrosoftAvro.sln
Projects will build out to Microsoft-Avro\bin\<AssemblyName>
and will contain
all the platforms that the project supports.