WeatherCard is a JavaScript library that allows you to easily display weather information on your website or application. It uses the OpenWeatherMap API to retrieve weather data and provides a customizable weather card element that can be easily integrated into your project.
View live demo here.
The entire project was made with very specific things in mind (practising destructuring assignment, spread operator, customelements, async javascript etc.) as it was an assignment. I was not allowed to use any packages like dotenv which would have been perfect for API_KEY.
- Using navigator.geolocation API to get the user's current location and using that location to fetch data from OpenWeatherMap API
- Displaying the current temperature, weather conditions, and an icon based on weather conditions.
- Allowing the user to search & display weather info for other locations (search results are limited to 5 since I can only use free API)
- Using fetch API to display a 5 day forecast for the given location.
- The option to show or hide the 5 day forecast.
To include the weatherCard library in your project, follow these steps:
Add the weather-card folder's content (weather-card.js and weather-card.css) to your project directory.
Include the WeatherCard class in your javascript file like this:
import { WeatherCard } from "./weather-card/weather-card.js";
You'll need an API key from OpenWeatherMap. Once you have the API key, you'll need to set the window.API_KEY property to the API_KEY. You can also use an alternative method.
Register the custom element by using the following code:
customElements.define('weather-card', WeatherCard);
To display the weather-card element you'll need to add the following html snippet to your code:
<weather-card> <div class="main"> <div class="location"> Unknown </div> <div class="date"> 0 </div> <div class="temp"> 0 </div> <div class="icon"> </div> <div class="conditions"> Unknown </div> </div> <div class="searchbar"> Location: <input type="text"> <button id="submit">Search</button> <button id="show">Show</button> <div class="results"></div> </div> <label for="toggle"> 5 day forecast</label> <button id="toggle">Toggle</button> <div class="forecast"> </div> </weather-card>
With this setup, the weatherCard library is ready to be used.
- Actual error handling
- The custom element's skeleton is hardcoded inside the element's innerhtml, that is being copied later on to make cards etc. I would like to dynamically create all of this with javascript.
- The css is very basic, only there so it looks somewhat organised. That will be changed.
- You can customize element by editing the weather-card.css file.
- You can modify the way weather-card is structured by modifying the html code snippet I added in the index.html.
- This component uses Web Components API, which is currently supported in all of the modern browsers. It might not work on older ones.
- WeatherCard also requires fetch and Promise to work, make sure these are supported by your browser.