You can view this project live here.
MBTA Live is a django-powered web application which displays, for each MBTA route in Boston, the number of currently active MBTA trips and the average trip duration over a typical day. Every 10 seconds, a celery
background worker scrapes .json data from the MBTA Developer Portal containing information on all ongoing trips. The time at which new trips (see footnote 1) appear is saved, as well as when they disappear - the difference yields the trip's duration. Each completed trip is saved in a database.
The primary motivation for this project was to visualize when certain routes are busiest throughout a typical day. Additionally, this project was designed around using as many new technologies as possible as a learning experience.
While I don't anticipate anyone thoroughly replicating this installation, outlining the general steps could prove useful for those with a similar stack.
Ensure your default Python environment uses Python 2, not Python 3. You can check this by running python
in your terminal to see which version you are using.
1. Ensure your Ubuntu distribution is up-to-date
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
2. Clone the repository
Within your projects folder that will house the mbta_django repo, enter:
sudo git clone
3. Create a new virtual environment
I would advise against using python3-venv
because it will default to Python 3 for package installation. This is problematic when installing supervisor
, which requires Python 2. I also advise against Anaconda's virtual environment manager with this specific project. Within the "mbta_django folder", run:
virtualenv venv
(uses the existing "venv" directory that you cloned)
To activate your virtual environment, use source venv/bin/activate
from your cloned mbta_django root folder. I recommend creating an alias
in your ~/.bashrc
so you don't have to type that command each time you need to activate your virtual environment.
If you run into permissions issues, do not use sudo
to circumvent them. If you do, everything you do in the virtual environment will require sudo
as well, which you don't want. Rather, change ownership of the "mbta_django" folder to your username: sudo chown -R user:group venv
. For example, I used sudo chown -R alexpetralia:alexpetralia venv
. Then, retry the command above.
4. Install the postgres server
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
5. Configure postgres and create your database
UPDATE: this program no longer uses postgres.
For this django webapp to work, django requires certain postgres settings. They are:
username: 'postgres'
password: 'password'
database_name: 'mbta'
Run the following commands:
sudo -u postgres psql mbta
(to enter the interactive prompt)
\password password
(to quit)
sudo -u postgres createdb mbta
If accessing the interactive prompt does not work for you, try using TCP/IP instead of Unix sockets. To do so, type psql postgres -h -d mbta
(where mbta
is the name of your database) to get around the the default connecting behavior. Once you are in the interactive prompt, you can run your normal SQL commands (eg. SELECT * FROM table WHERE...
). Don't forget a ;
to terminate your commands!
6. Install and run the RabbitMQ server
I used this tutorial to install RabbitMQ. Those steps (slightly modified here) are:
sudo su -c "echo 'deb testing main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
sudo wget
sudo apt-key add rabbitmq-signing-key-public.asc
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
Your RabbitMQ server should install automatically.
7. Install python-dev
sudo apt-get install python-dev
This is required for the pandas module to install correctly.
8. Get your own API key
Register for an account here and request an API key.
Once you receive an API key, create an
in the folder mbta_django/scraper/settings. It contains only one line: API_KEY = <your_api_key_here>
9. Install all the remaining Python packages
(venv)>> pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: make sure your virtual environment is active for this step.
10. Verify the celery daemon runs correctly
(venv)>> celery -A mbta_django worker -l info
11. Test that django runs on the development server
First, make
executable by issuing chmod u+x
. Then, in the repo's root folder, run in your virtual environment:
(venv)>> ./ makemigrations
(to issue database commands)
(venv)>> ./ migrate
(to commit database migrations)
(venv)>> ./ runserver
(to run the server; use runserver
to make the app visible from other machines on the network)
You should now see the mbta_django app running locally at http://localhost:8000
12. Prepare django for production server
In a production environment, we'll use nginx (webserver) to serve static files and uWSGI (application server) to serve the django app. For nginx to easily find the static files in one location, django offers a command to conveniently put them in one. From your app root, type:
(venv)>> python ./ collectstatic --clear --noinput
This will copy all of your app's static files and any other files included under django's STATIC_DIRS into the STATIC_ROOT.
13. Install and configure nginx
sudo apt-get install nginx
Once nginx is installed, you should find the default "Welcome" page at http://localhost:80
, or more simply, localhost
. Currently, nginx is showing the default webpage, whose settings are located in /etc/nginx/nginx/sites-enabled
. You can sudo rm -rf default
to remove this default file as it can mask errors.
Next, we need to point nginx to mbta_django's nginx.conf
. To do so, using your own path below, run:
cd /etc/nginx/nginx/sites-enabled
sudo ln -s /path/to/cloned/repo/mbta_django/nginx.conf mbta_django.conf
Now, update mbta_django/nginx.conf
(ie. the nginx.conf you cloned) to update the paths for your machine's paths:
- Change
server unix:///home/alexpetralia/Projects/mbta_django/run/uwsgi.sock
toserver unix:///path/to/cloned/repo/mbta_django/run/uwsgi.sock
- Change
alias /home/alexpetralia/Projects/mbta_django/static
toalias /path/to/cloned/repo/mbta_django/static
- Change
uwsgi_pass unix:/home/alexpetralia/Projects/mbta_django/run/uwsgi.sock
touwsgi_pass unix:/path/to/cloned/repo/mbta_django/run/uwsgi.sock
Finally, edit to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
. Nginx needs to be run with the same user as uWSGI, so change the user
field from www-data
to your username. If you forget to do this, you will see a permissions issue in the error logs when connecting to the Unix socket.
For now, nginx should show an error because it is trying to connect to the uWSGI socket that's not yet configured. We'll set that up next.
If you are having errors with nginx (eg. 503 Bad Gateway because nginx cannot find the uWSGI socket or 505 Server Error because of a django error), check the log via tail -5 /var/log/nginx/error.log
. You can restart the server using sudo service nginx restart
. If you run into permissions issues, verify again that your cloned repo uses chmod -R 755 <dirname>
14. Install memcached
sudo apt-get install memcached
15. Configure uWSGI
uWSGI requires a specific set of parameters to start properly, so this is often done using shell start script. In the cloned repo, this file is uwsgi_ctl
. Ensure that this file is an executable using chmod u+x uwsgi_ctl
Within uwsgi_ctl
, we need to update the path for your specific machine. Change MAIN_DIR=/home/alexpetralia/Projects/mbta_django
to MAIN_DIR=/path/to/cloned/repo
We want to test if this uwsgi_ctl
file runs correctly. Currently, it's configured to issue a socket file run/uwsgi.sock
that nginx can connect to. To have it run over HTTP, uncomment --http
and comment out --socket ${SOCKFILE}
. Then in your virtual environment, test if the uWSGI server will run.
(venv)>> ./uswgi_ctl
Once you're done, we can test if uWSGI works with nginx. Recomment the --http
line and uncomment out the --socket
Run ./uwsgi_ctl
again and navigate to localhost
(your nginx server should be running in the background by default; it will now see the uWSGI socket). Your entire web app should now load correctly. If there are errors, remember to investigate in your app root's logs/mbta_uwsgi.log
16. Install and configure supervisor
Run sudo apt-get install supervisor
The webapp fundamentally runs on two processes: (1) the django application running via UWSGI and (2) the celery background worker that scrapes data from the MBTA Developer's API. Supervisor watches these processes and restarts them if there any failures - essentially it is a safety net for your processes in a production environment.
The supervisor configuration is located in your app root's /mbta_django/supervisor.conf
. There are nine (9) absolute paths here which need to be changed for your specific setup. There is also the user
field. You must change this to your username (critical, otherwise supervisor will not have the correct permissions to access mbta_django/uwsgi.sock
Finally, supervisor needs to know where to find this configuration file. To do so, run:
cd /etc/supervisor/conf.d
sudo ln -s /path/to/cloned/repo/mbta_django/supervisor.conf mbta_django.conf
Restart supervisor: sudo service supervisor restart
. If you would like to control your supervisor from the browser, add this to /etc/supervisor/supervisor.conf
and restart the process:
port = 9001
username = username
password = password
Now, if your server reboots or your processes die, supervisor should start on boot and automatically restart dead processes.
17. Protect settings for future git cloning
If you need to update your repo to the most recent version, you'll run git pull
However, because you updated a couple of files with your specific machine's settings (ie. the absolute pathnames), you'll want git to ignore those and keep your version of those files. Therefore, before running git pull
, first run:
git stash
in "mbta_django/mbta_django" (ie. where your
is located)
You may have to git add <file>
specifically to a file to make sure it is ignored. After, run git pull
. Finally, to revert to your pre-updated config settings, go back to both folders and enter git stash pop
sudo supervisorctl restart all
sudo supervisorctl restart <process name>
(for a specific process)
sudo supervisorctl
(venv)>> celery -A mbta_django worker -l info
(venv)>> nohup celery -A mbta_django worker -l info &
(to run in background)
(venv)>> ./ runserver
(venv)>> ./uwsgi_ctl
Note: ensure that uwsgi_ctl
is configured to use --http
and not --socket
sudo service nginx restart
sudo service supervisor restart
- Web framework: Django
- Templating language: Jinja2
- Database: sqlite3
- Webserver: nginx
- Application server: uWSGI
- Caching system: Memcached
- Task monitor: Flower (to do)
- Website analytics: Google Analytics
- Task manager: Celery
- Message broker: RabbitMQ
- Messaging library: Kombu
- Process manager: Supervisor
- CSS framework: Bootstrap 3
- JS framework: jquery.js (Ajax)
- JS plotting library: plotly.js (responsive)
- apiStatus should be using a message queue Publisher/Subscriber model (Kombu) or Unix socket instead of postgres
- add more routes (?)
- jquery only 1 plot at a time (?)
This software is distributed under the MIT License.
If you have any questions, bug reports or any other feedback, you can contact the author at his personal website.
- A "new trip" is defined as a trip with a unique trip_id for that day. Often however, a trip appears with one trip_id, disappears, then reappears seconds or minutes later with a different trip_id, but same vehicle_id, route and direction. For all intents and purposes, it is the same trip. The second trip is not a new trip. If a trip follows this pattern, it is considered a single trip by the program.