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the madman did IT DAY 23
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alexjercan committed Dec 23, 2023
1 parent 2530b4e commit 5723c65
Showing 1 changed file with 30 additions and 16 deletions.
46 changes: 30 additions & 16 deletions src/Day23.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Day23 (main, part1, part2) where

import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as S
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,31 +61,44 @@ edge grid t p l neighborsF visited
[n] -> edge grid t n (l + 1) neighborsF (S.insert p visited)
_ -> Just (p, l)

graph :: Grid -> (Position, Dir) -> (Position, Dir) -> ((Position, Dir) -> [(Position, Dir)]) -> S.Set (Position, Dir) -> M.Map (Position, Dir) [((Position, Dir), Int)]
graph grid t p neighborsF visited
| p `S.member` visited = M.empty
| otherwise = case mapMaybe (\n -> edge grid t n 1 neighborsF (S.insert p visited)) (filter (`S.notMember` visited) $ neighborsF p) of
[] -> M.empty
ns -> M.insert p ns $ M.unions $ map (\(n, _) -> graph grid t n neighborsF (S.insert p visited)) ns
type GState = State (S.Set (Position, Dir))

dfs :: M.Map (Position, Dir) [((Position, Dir), Int)] -> (Position, Dir) -> (Position, Dir) -> S.Set (Position, Dir) -> Int
dfs gs p t visited
| p == t = 0
| otherwise = case M.lookup p gs of
Nothing -> 0
Just ns -> maximum (map (\(p', l) -> l + dfs gs p' t (S.insert p' visited)) ns)
graphM :: Grid -> (Position, Dir) -> (Position, Dir) -> ((Position, Dir) -> [(Position, Dir)]) -> GState (M.Map (Position, Dir) [((Position, Dir), Int)])
graphM grid t p neighborsF = do
visited <- get
if p `S.member` visited
then return M.empty
else do
put $ S.insert p visited
case mapMaybe (\n -> edge grid t n 1 neighborsF (S.singleton p)) (neighborsF p) of
[] -> return M.empty
ns -> do
m <- M.unions <$> mapM (\(n, _) -> graphM grid t n neighborsF) ns
return $ M.insert p ns m

dfs :: (Position, Dir) -> M.Map (Position, Dir) [((Position, Dir), Int)] -> (Position, Dir) -> [(Position, Dir)] -> Int -> Int
dfs current graph target visited maxLength =
let ns = filter (\(neighbor, _) -> neighbor `notElem` visited) $ M.findWithDefault [] current graph
in if null ns || current == target
then maxLength
maximum $
[dfs neighbor graph target (neighbor : visited) (maxLength + weight) | (neighbor, weight) <- ns]

longestPath :: M.Map (Position, Dir) [((Position, Dir), Int)] -> (Position, Dir) -> (Position, Dir) -> Int
longestPath graph start end = dfs start graph end [start] 0

part1 :: String -> String
part1 input = show $ dfs gs starting target S.empty
part1 input = show $ longestPath gs starting target
(starting, target, grid) = parse input
gs = graph grid target starting (neighbors grid) S.empty
gs = evalState (graphM grid target starting (neighbors grid)) S.empty

part2 :: String -> String
part2 input = show $ dfs gs starting target S.empty
part2 input = show $ longestPath gs starting target
(starting, target, grid) = parse' input
gs = graph grid target starting (neighbors grid) S.empty
gs = evalState (graphM grid target starting (neighbors grid)) S.empty

solve :: String -> String
solve input = "Part 1: " ++ part1 input ++ "\nPart 2: " ++ part2 input ++ "\n"
Expand Down

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