You should fork this repository.
Create Layer of DB for your models in HW#3 (use the traits and interfaces from this repository):
- implement ConnectionInterface for connect to DB
- write all methods from ManagerInterface in the abstract class Manager
- write the config to your DB in the config folder
Create user interface for your Layer:
- write functionality for initialize DB and create all tables for you models
- create views to entity lists from DB in the browser
- showing, adding, editing and removing entity data from interaction with the Layer from task 1
Your code must meet standards PSR-2.
Your classes must designed by SOLID principles and applied rules of writing the good class from the lesson#3.
Don't use magic methods other than __construct.
Use the git flow from the lesson#2.
After all the cutting points
, add link of your homework to the google doc.
P.S. Set yourself config options to the config/config.php.dist and rename him on config/config.php