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Collection of AXI4 and AXI4 lite bus components. Most components are fully parametrizable in interface widths. Includes full cocotb testbenches that utilize cocotbext-axi.
AXI width adapter module with parametrizable data and address interface widths.
Supports INCR burst types and narrow bursts. Wrapper for axi_adapter_rd
and axi_adapter_wr
AXI width adapter module with parametrizable data and address interface widths. Supports INCR burst types and narrow bursts.
AXI width adapter module with parametrizable data and address interface widths. Supports INCR burst types and narrow bursts.
AXI to AXI lite converter and width adapter module with parametrizable data
and address interface widths. Supports INCR burst types and narrow bursts.
Wrapper for axi_axil_adapter_rd
and axi_axil_adapter_wr
AXI to AXI lite converter and width adapter module with parametrizable data and address interface widths. Supports INCR burst types and narrow bursts.
AXI to AXI lite converter and width adapter module with parametrizable data and address interface widths. Supports INCR burst types and narrow bursts.
AXI to AXI DMA engine with parametrizable data and address interface widths. Generates full-width INCR bursts only, with parametrizable maximum burst length. Supports unaligned transfers, which can be disabled via parameter to save on resource consumption.
Descriptor multiplexer/demultiplexer for AXI CDMA module. Enables sharing the AXI CDMA module between multiple request sources, interleaving requests and distributing responses.
AXI nonblocking crossbar interconnect with parametrizable data and address
interface widths and master and slave interface counts. Supports all burst
types. Fully nonblocking with completely separate read and write paths;
ID-based transaction ordering protection logic; and per-port address decode,
admission control, and decode error handling. Wrapper for axi_crossbar_rd
and axi_crossbar_wr
Wrappers can generated with
Address decode and admission control module for AXI nonblocking crossbar interconnect.
AXI nonblocking crossbar interconnect with parametrizable data and address interface widths and master and slave interface counts. Read interface only. Supports all burst types. Fully nonblocking with completely separate read and write paths; ID-based transaction ordering protection logic; and per-port address decode, admission control, and decode error handling.
AXI nonblocking crossbar interconnect with parametrizable data and address interface widths and master and slave interface counts. Write interface only. Supports all burst types. Fully nonblocking with completely separate read and write paths; ID-based transaction ordering protection logic; and per-port address decode, admission control, and decode error handling.
AXI to AXI stream DMA engine with parametrizable data and address interface
widths. Generates full-width INCR bursts only, with parametrizable maximum
burst length. Supports unaligned transfers, which can be disabled via
parameter to save on resource consumption. Wrapper for axi_dma_rd
Descriptor multiplexer/demultiplexer for AXI DMA module. Enables sharing the AXI DMA module between multiple request sources, interleaving requests and distributing responses.
AXI to AXI stream DMA engine with parametrizable data and address interface widths. Generates full-width INCR bursts only, with parametrizable maximum burst length. Supports unaligned transfers, which can be disabled via parameter to save on resource consumption.
AXI stream to AXI DMA engine with parametrizable data and address interface widths. Generates full-width INCR bursts only, with parametrizable maximum burst length. Supports unaligned transfers, which can be disabled via parameter to save on resource consumption.
AXI dual-port RAM with parametrizable data and address interface widths. Supports FIXED and INCR burst types as well as narrow bursts.
AXI FIFO with parametrizable data and address interface widths. Supports all
burst types. Optionally can delay the address channel until either the write
data is completely shifted into the FIFO or the read data FIFO has enough
capacity to fit the whole burst. Wrapper for axi_fifo_rd
and axi_fifo_wr
AXI FIFO with parametrizable data and address interface widths. AR and R channels only. Supports all burst types. Optionally can delay the address channel until either the read data FIFO is empty or has enough capacity to fit the whole burst.
AXI FIFO with parametrizable data and address interface widths. WR, W, and B channels only. Supports all burst types. Optionally can delay the address channel until the write data is shifted completely into the write data FIFO, or the current burst completely fills the write data FIFO.
AXI shared interconnect with parametrizable data and address interface widths and master and slave interface counts. Supports all burst types. Small in area, but does not support concurrent operations.
Wrappers can generated with
AXI RAM with parametrizable data and address interface widths. Supports FIXED and INCR burst types as well as narrow bursts.
AXI RAM read interface with parametrizable data and address interface widths. Handles bursts and presents a simplified internal memory interface. Supports FIXED and INCR burst types as well as narrow bursts.
AXI RAM write interface with parametrizable data and address interface widths. Handles bursts and presents a simplified internal memory interface. Supports FIXED and INCR burst types as well as narrow bursts.
AXI RAM read/write interface with parametrizable data and address interface
widths. Handles bursts and presents a simplified internal memory interface.
Supports FIXED and INCR burst types as well as narrow bursts. Wrapper for
and axi_ram_wr_if
AXI register with parametrizable data and address interface widths. Supports
all burst types. Inserts simple buffers or skid buffers into all channels.
Channel register types can be individually changed or bypassed. Wrapper for
and axi_register_wr
AXI register with parametrizable data and address interface widths. AR and R channels only. Supports all burst types. Inserts simple buffers or skid buffers into all channels. Channel register types can be individually changed or bypassed.
AXI register with parametrizable data and address interface widths. WR, W, and B channels only. Supports all burst types. Inserts simple buffers or skid buffers into all channels. Channel register types can be individually changed or bypassed.
AXI lite width adapter module with parametrizable data and address interface
widths. Wrapper for axi_adapter_rd
and axi_adapter_wr
AXI lite width adapter module with parametrizable data and address interface widths.
AXI lite width adapter module with parametrizable data and address interface widths.
AXI lite clock domain crossing module with parametrizable data and address
interface widths. Wrapper for axi_cdc_rd
and axi_cdc_wr
AXI lite clock domain crossing module with parametrizable data and address interface widths.
AXI lite clock domain crossing module with parametrizable data and address interface widths.
AXI lite nonblocking crossbar interconnect with parametrizable data and address
interface widths and master and slave interface counts. Fully nonblocking
with completely separate read and write paths; FIFO-based transaction ordering
protection logic; and per-port address decode, admission control, and decode
error handling. Wrapper for axil_crossbar_rd
and axil_crossbar_wr
Wrappers can generated with
Address decode and admission control module for AXI lite nonblocking crossbar interconnect.
AXI lite nonblocking crossbar interconnect with parametrizable data and address interface widths and master and slave interface counts. Read interface only. Fully nonblocking with completely separate read and write paths; FIFO-based transaction ordering protection logic; and per-port address decode, admission control, and decode error handling.
AXI lite nonblocking crossbar interconnect with parametrizable data and address interface widths and master and slave interface counts. Write interface only. Fully nonblocking with completely separate read and write paths; FIFO-based transaction ordering protection logic; and per-port address decode, admission control, and decode error handling.
AXI lite shared interconnect with parametrizable data and address interface widths and master and slave interface counts. Small in area, but does not support concurrent operations.
Wrappers can generated with
AXI lite RAM with parametrizable data and address interface widths.
AXI lite register interface with parametrizable data and address interface
widths. Can be used to assemble a set of control registers across multiple
modules and hierarchy levels without complicated arbitration logic. Wrapper
for axil_reg_if_rd
and axil_reg_if_wr
AXI lite register interface with parametrizable data and address interface widths. Read direction only. Can be used to assemble a set of control registers across multiple modules and hierarchy levels without complicated arbitration logic.
AXI lite register interface with parametrizable data and address interface widths. Write direction only. Can be used to assemble a set of control registers across multiple modules and hierarchy levels without complicated arbitration logic.
AXI lite register with parametrizable data and address interface widths.
Inserts skid buffers into all channels. Channel registers can be individually
bypassed. Wrapper for axil_register_rd
and axil_register_wr
AXI lite register with parametrizable data and address interface widths. AR and R channels only. Inserts simple buffers into all channels. Channel registers can be individually bypassed.
AXI lite register with parametrizable data and address interface widths. WR, W, and B channels only. Inserts simple buffers into all channels. Channel registers can be individually bypassed.
awid : Write address ID
awaddr : Write address
awlen : Write burst length
awsize : Write burst size
awburst : Write burst type
awlock : Write locking
awcache : Write cache handling
awprot : Write protection level
awqos : Write QoS setting
awregion : Write region
awuser : Write user sideband signal
awvalid : Write address valid
awready : Write address ready (from slave)
wdata : Write data
wstrb : Write data strobe (byte select)
wlast : Write data last transfer in burst
wuser : Write data user sideband signal
wvalid : Write data valid
wready : Write data ready (from slave)
bid : Write response ID
bresp : Write response
buser : Write response user sideband signal
bvalid : Write response valid
bready : Write response ready (from master)
arid : Read address ID
araddr : Read address
arlen : Read burst length
arsize : Read burst size
arburst : Read burst type
arlock : Read locking
arcache : Read cache handling
arprot : Read protection level
arqos : Read QoS setting
arregion : Read region
aruser : Read user sideband signal
arvalid : Read address valid
arready : Read address ready (from slave)
rid : Read data ID
rdata : Read data
rresp : Read response
rlast : Read data last transfer in burst
ruser : Read data user sideband signal
rvalid : Read response valid
rready : Read response ready (from master)
ADDR_WIDTH : width of awaddr and araddr signals
DATA_WIDTH : width of wdata and rdata signals
STRB_WIDTH : width of wstrb signal
ID_WIDTH : width of *id signals
AWUSER_ENABLE : enable awuser signal
AWUSER_WIDTH : width of awuser signal
WUSER_ENABLE : enable wuser signal
WUSER_WIDTH : width of wuser signal
BUSER_ENABLE : enable buser signal
BUSER_WIDTH : width of buser signal
ARUSER_ENABLE : enable aruser signal
ARUSER_WIDTH : width of aruser signal
RUSER_ENABLE : enable ruser signal
RUSER_WIDTH : width of ruser signal
rtl/arbiter.v : Parametrizable arbiter
rtl/axi_adapter.v : AXI lite width converter
rtl/axi_adapter_rd.v : AXI lite width converter (read)
rtl/axi_adapter_wr.v : AXI lite width converter (write)
rtl/axi_axil_adapter.v : AXI to AXI lite converter
rtl/axi_axil_adapter_rd.v : AXI to AXI lite converter (read)
rtl/axi_axil_adapter_wr.v : AXI to AXI lite converter (write)
rtl/axi_cdma.v : AXI central DMA engine
rtl/axi_cdma_desc_mux.v : AXI CDMA descriptor mux
rtl/axi_crossbar.v : AXI nonblocking crossbar interconnect
rtl/axi_crossbar_addr.v : AXI crossbar address module
rtl/axi_crossbar_rd.v : AXI crossbar interconnect (read)
rtl/axi_crossbar_wr.v : AXI crossbar interconnect (write)
rtl/axi_dma.v : AXI DMA engine
rtl/axi_dma_desc_mux.v : AXI DMA descriptor mux
rtl/axi_dma_rd.v : AXI DMA engine (read)
rtl/axi_dma_wr.v : AXI DMA engine (write)
rtl/axi_dp_ram.v : AXI dual-port RAM
rtl/axi_fifo.v : AXI FIFO
rtl/axi_fifo_rd.v : AXI FIFO (read)
rtl/axi_fifo_wr.v : AXI FIFO (write)
rtl/axi_interconnect.v : AXI shared interconnect
rtl/axi_ram.v : AXI RAM
rtl/axi_ram_rd_if.v : AXI RAM read interface
rtl/axi_ram_wr_if.v : AXI RAM write interface
rtl/axi_ram_wr_rd_if.v : AXI RAM read/write interface
rtl/axi_register.v : AXI register
rtl/axi_register_rd.v : AXI register (read)
rtl/axi_register_wr.v : AXI register (write)
rtl/axil_adapter.v : AXI lite width converter
rtl/axil_adapter_rd.v : AXI lite width converter (read)
rtl/axil_adapter_wr.v : AXI lite width converter (write)
rtl/axil_cdc.v : AXI lite CDC
rtl/axil_cdc_rd.v : AXI lite CDC (read)
rtl/axil_cdc_wr.v : AXI lite CDC (write)
rtl/axil_crossbar.v : AXI lite nonblocking crossbar interconnect
rtl/axil_crossbar_addr.v : AXI lite crossbar address module
rtl/axil_crossbar_rd.v : AXI lite crossbar interconnect (read)
rtl/axil_crossbar_wr.v : AXI lite crossbar interconnect (write)
rtl/axil_interconnect.v : AXI lite shared interconnect
rtl/axil_ram.v : AXI lite RAM
rtl/axil_reg_if.v : AXI lite register interface
rtl/axil_reg_if_rd.v : AXI lite register interface (read)
rtl/axil_reg_if_wr.v : AXI lite register interface (write)
rtl/axil_register.v : AXI lite register
rtl/axil_register_rd.v : AXI lite register (read)
rtl/axil_register_wr.v : AXI lite register (write)
rtl/priority_encoder.v : Parametrizable priority encoder
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
clk ___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___
awvalid ___/ \_______________________________
___________ _______________________
awready \_______/
wvalid ___/ \_______________________
wready ___________/ \_______________________
bvalid ___________________________/ \_______
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
clk ___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___
arvalid ___/ \_______________________________
rvalid ___________________________/ \_______
Running the included testbenches requires cocotb, cocotbext-axi, and Icarus Verilog. The testbenches can be run with pytest directly (requires cocotb-test), pytest via tox, or via cocotb makefiles.